
Friday 6 March 2020

Veggie burgers, yum!

For the past couple of months, in an effort to eat less meat (and specifically red meat), we've been eating more chicken and fish, but having more days when we don't have any meat or fish at all.  From having 1 veggie day a week, we've now moved to probably 3.  Most of the time I cook something vegetarian, but lately we've tried a few bought veggie things like various makes of sausages and burgers.  By and large, we've been quite impressed with them, they've certainly come a long way over the past few years.  Yesterday we tried Linda Mccartney Mozzarella 1/4 pound burgers, they're made of textured soya protein.  Wow, they're lovely!  The texture isn't quite the same as a beef burger, but the taste is indistinguishable from a meat burger.  A big plus too is that they don't shrink at all, unlike meat burgers.  And it didn't repeat on me afterwards, as meat burgers tend to do.  We'll definitely be buying those again, we were both really impressed.

Guess what, it's raining again today, although not as heavy as yesterday, apparently 😒

Do you remember years ago when postmen used to come early?  We always used to get our post around 07.30, then it got later and later.  Down here in this rural area, I didn't really expect it come early, around 10.30 was the usual time.  For the past couple of weeks, though, we've not been getting our post until about 2 pm, the post lady says she has parcels to deliver first (wonder why she can't deliver the letters first, and then the parcels?).

Betty sees the arrival of the post as a game when we're in - she generally hears the post van pull up before we do.  When the letters come through the flap she races to the door and grabs them, before running off with them.  Fortunately, she doesn't eat them, just likes to run around in the hope that we'll chase her.  When we're out, however, she doesn't touch the post, it's just sitting there on the doormat when we get home.  Little monkey.

Just look at that angelic, butter wouldn't melt, face!


  1. She's a little pickle, isn't she? That's a 'What? Innocent little me??' look if ever there was one!

  2. Oh what a pretty nose!
    Our dog soes the same, when no-one sees, she will not do anything, but if she needs my attention, she'll grab socks/mittens/kitchen rag to get me to chase her.

  3. We've been veggie for nearly 40 years and I'm trying to move to a vegan diet. I'm lactose intolerant so no dairy anyway. Doesn't seem to help with weight loss though! We've never got our post before about noon, and we're last on the round, too. She may be a little monkey, but she's a cute little monkey, and you love her to bits! xx

  4. I have always been a vegetarian but that is because I can't bear the look, smell or texture of meat - mum could not get me to eat it for love nor bribe!.... so the meat look alikes are not something I buy but I think they sound like a good alternative for meat eaters like yourselves who want to eat less meat but still have the meat taste.x

  5. Lol my Son is a postman and on the run up to Xmas was out delivering letters and parcels until 5pm at night (start time 6am) - it's not the postmen/ladies that are at fault but the management, who couldn't organise an entertaining evening in a brewery! The post office is one of those employers that if you're rubbish at your job, you get moved up instead of moved out and therefore there are too many idle useless managers and not enough grafters☺☺ xx

  6. Our post usually gets delivered around midday but occasionally it can be anything up to 4pm. X

  7. That's the first time I've seen Betty, oh, she's lovely, what a beautiful face. More Betty please.

  8. Little monkey or not, Betty is absolutely gorgeous! What beautiful face! xx

  9. One of my dogs grabs the post and eats it, so we've had to set up a postbox outside. Ours doesn't arrive until about 2pm usually and we have various postpeople, so periodically we come home and find our mail in shreds. 'Sorry, I can't pay the bill, the dog's eaten it...' I find meat and dairy tend to give me indigestion and digestive problems too. I've recently done a vegan detox after the doctor put me on a high protein diet. I didn't lose any weight and it made me physically sick at times and left everything out of balance. Now everything's settled down and I'm going to stick with the vegan diet as much as possible and low carb be damned!

  10. I tried a veggie sausage a while back, made of some kind of Mycellium. It came in a pack of four and having eaten two on two separate days, the other two got left in my fridge. They were alright but I shan't get them again. As for veggie burgers - well the word burger really puts me off wanting to eat one so I shall easily resist those. I wouldn't buy anything that had the name McCarney on it anyway. Glad you have found something that you like though!


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