
Wednesday 15 December 2021

So mild

 It's incredibly mild weather, cloudy today but not very cold at all, and hardly any wind.  We went to Dunster beach this morning, arriving about 09.15, there was hardly anyone there, as I expected.  I wore my new wool winter coat, thinking that there might be a cold breeze coming off the Bristol channel, but there wasn't and I was too warm.  At least I know the coat will keep me lovely and warm when it does get really cold.  Betty enjoyed herself immensely, as always, she does make me laugh when she digs a hole in the sand, throws herself down into it and rolls around joyfully on her back.  

I didn't take my walking stick, didn't feel like I needed it.  And I didn't, my back, hips and legs felt absolutely fine and I didn't lose my balance once.  I was glad to get back in the car though after we'd been walking for about an hour, my hips were beginning to feel the strain by that time and my walking was getting slower and slower.

Still not feeling at all Christmassy.  The family situation seems to have settled down a bit, but I'm sure it will get worse again, not that there's anything we can do about that.  It's just a case of managing each situation as it arises, as best we can.

Having noticed the other day that some of my Spring bulbs are coming up, on the way back from Dunster this morning we saw a couple of trees with blossom on them, shows how mild it is.  We need to do something about our front lawn next year, it's in a terrible state, it's more weeds than grass.  Might consider putting artificial grass down like we have in the caravan we'll be spending a lot of time at the van again next year, artificial grass won't need much maintenance.

I've given in to husband's crestfallen face when he asks hopefully if there's any cake or mince pies or cheesy biscuits (there are all of the above but in the freezer).  So this afternoon I've made a small batch of shortbread and some cheese puffs (recipe off Skint Dad's website).  I'm sure husband will eat most of them (not all of them today!), so I don't have to 😉

My back is aching again now, after the hour's walking and then standing in the kitchen this afternoon, but at least it's just an ache and not a pain.


  1. Yes, it's mild, bright and sunny here, too. A good job, as the workmen came to replace the fence panel that had disintegrated in Storm Arwen, and I'd had to cut back some shrubs and trees. Didn't fancy doing that in the cold and rain! Great news that you didn't need your stick. Felicity is worth her weight in gold! xx

    1. Glad your fence is done. And yes, she is!

  2. It is ridiculously mild, we need a good sharp frosty spell to kill off all the bugs and moulds etc that will ruin our plants next year.

    Only put down artificial grass if Betty will not poo on it ... have you tried to pick poo from plastic grass ... nuff said!!

    1. I can imagine! Betty almost never poos in the garden, so that's not a worry. Anyway, husband would have to deal with it if she did, not me haha!

  3. My friend made a fenced area in her shared yard and created a lovely little haven where there's a table and 2 chairs surrounded by trees, shrubs and even a raised fish pond. The central area is covered in artificial grass, laid on the concrete. And the reason I tell you this > > > > is to say that flippin' weeds still manage to grow through and need regularly pulling out!!!

  4. A person up the road 'gave in' and laid a piece of artificial turf on a well worn but seperate spot in his garden next to a path. It did the trick - people aka grandchildren walked on it (instead of the path) and it still looked good...but after a couple of years he wondered why it began to look a 'bit off'. It had dried out, changed colour almost as if sunburnt! Went back and complained- the company said he should have watered it!

  5. It was really mild here yesterday and first thing this morning. The temperature has dropped now and we've put the heating on. Fake grass can look surprisingly realistic can't it.

  6. It's really mild here as well. Very strange, although there's something brewing, says BBC weather. We will soo.

    Your baking sounds wonderful. I will look up Skint Dad's recipe - it sounds amazing!


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