
Sunday 30 June 2024

A silent scream

 The purpose of going to the caravan today was three-fold:  1)  To switch off the gas and water supplies, as husband forgot to do it when we left there last week and we don't know for sure when we'll be able to go and stay again (our insurance specifies that supplies must be switched off when we're not there).  2)  For husband to take our Freesat box from home and see if the non-working TV in the caravan works using the box.  3)  For us to take our little fold-up kitchen table to the van and swap it for the one we have in the van - the van one is nicer and bigger and will be more appropriate at home, the smaller one will be a better fit in the van.

Well of course none of this went to plan - nothing that husband is involved in does!  The caravan table had to be dismantled for it to fit in our car to be brought home - it needed a set of Allen keys, which husband claimed he didn't have at the van.....funnily enough, whenever he wants a particular tool for a job at home, he also claims the tool he needs is in the van!  πŸ˜’  He has several tool boxes at home and at the van, but never seems to have the right tool!  Or if he does, the battery (if it needs one) is either flat or not with him, or he hasn't got the correct charger.  After much searching around and muttering to himself, he found something that would work, so the table could be dismantled.

He then tried fitting the Freesat box to the TV (there's an appropriate aerial affixed to the van).  He was fiddling around for ages and then started getting annoyed - I asked what was wrong and he said he couldn't get the cable to fit in the TV.  I had a look and could immediately see that he was trying - using brute force - to shove an HDMI fitting into a USB wonder it didn't fit.  He'd brought the wrong cable.  πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

When we were about to leave, just after lunch, I ensured he switched off the services (I watched him do it) and asked him if he'd got everything - he nearly always leaves something behind.  He said he had, I asked "Are you sure?", he got snappy and insisted he had.

Once home, he put the table together (not without a few issues, but nothing major so we'll skip over those) and then re-fitted the Freesat box to our home TV.  He went to switch it on, then looked all around the lounge and, not finding what he was looking for, asked me what I'd done with the remote control.  Erm, you what?  (I hadn't touched it).  It transpired he'd left it in the now he cannot watch the home TV either!!  πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’  He had a knee-jerk reaction and said he would drive back to the caravan - I stopped him, it would be a round trip of around 2.5 hours (plus the fuel cost), I had no intention of going with him (I've got things to do here and I'm too tired!) and there's no way I'd let him go on his own.  Especially not when he's clearly having a bad day.  

This is what our daily life is like now, and why I frequently feel like I'm doing silent screams.  Or I'm expecting Jeremy Beadle to leap out from a cupboard and shout "You've been framed!!" πŸ˜‚ (except I think he's dead).

I've no idea what he'll do about the home TV now, he can't go back to the caravan this week, we have appointments all week.  I suppose he'll have to buy a new Freesat box, that's if he can't get a spare remote control - I don't know if they do them.


  1. I think you can buy universal remote controls that work with any TV. I found this one at Argos, if there's one nearby.
    I'm surprised your screams are silent - mine would be so loud you'd hear them miles away! xx

    1. Thanks K, I looked at that and checked the Q&As at the bottom, it's not compatible with our Freesat box. But it is apparently possible to buy one from Amazon, so I expect that's what we'll do. xx

  2. If it wasn't so annoying you'd laugh, my husband often loses things, but I did train him to put the car keys in the same place each time so thats no longer a problem!

    1. The problem with husband is that his short term memory is shot to pieces.

  3. You can buy just the Freesat remotes off Amazon, I've had a few. With next day delivery it will be easy to get one.

    1. Yes he's ordered one now Sue, thanks.


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