
Monday 24 June 2024


 We've had no sunshine at all today, it's been overcast all day but very hot and humid, both Betty and I have been like limp rags.  There's sunshine forecast for tomorrow, but hotter still, so I'm quite glad we're going home mid morning.  It'll be cooler at home, it's not a tin box, it's bigger and my bedroom stays cool.  Think we're in for a sticky uncomfortable night here, I might sleep in the caravan lounge rather than my small cell-like bedroom.

We'll stop off for a bit of dairy and veg shopping on the way home, then I won't need to go out again.  It's been a nice relaxing break, but I shall be glad to be home, there's nothing like your own home with a nice big bed and lovely big shower.  And plenty of space!


  1. I so agree, no place like home! It's been hot here but hoping it's cooler overnight. I can't sleep when it's hot and stuffy. We're never happy are we?🤣 xx

  2. We had a really bad hail storm last night and it is very sticky and muggy here as well. I hope you can manage to have a half decent sleep tonight.

    God bless.

  3. Glad you were able to have a relaxing time at the caravan. It was muggy yesterday and the sun is hot today. Fortunately we had our little dog groomed today so no thick coat. Hope you have a cooler night at home.


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