
Sunday 30 December 2018

End of leftovers - and I don't want to see the kitchen again for a while!

The reduced turkey was a good buy, it's all processed and frozen now.  The brining was successful, it certainly made it juicy and gave it a very good flavour.  

I cut 2 lots of breast lot we had cold for dinner yesterday with home grown (from bags in the polytunnel) new potatoes and salad, the other lot frozen to be reheated in gravy for a roast dinner (friend does that for their Christmas lunch, he cooks their turkey the day before and it's lovely).  The rest of the breast and large bits off the carcass I diced up - some for dinner today, following an idea from Marlene of Poppy Patchwork, the remainder frozen in 2 lots for curry or pasta bake.  I boiled up the giblets and will use the stock for a sauce for the dinner tonight, Betty's had the giblets (other than the neck).  I then boiled the carcass for stock, then stripped the remaining scraps of meat off the carcass - there was a surprising amount, enough for a pot of soup using some of the stock, which has been frozen (I save 1kg Greek yogurt tubs from Lidl for making and freezing soups, they're very strong).  And another 3 pots of stock, also frozen.

The legs and wings I froze separately, raw - as mentioned yesterday, husband had to cut them off before the turkey would fit in my stock pot for brining.  I'll make a stew in the slow cooker from them, that'll make at least 6 portions I should think.

Marlene said in comments yesterday that she makes a pie with leftover turkey, dicing it and mixing in some ham and a jar of cranberry sauce, then covering it with made up stuffing and baking.  Sounds delicious to me, but my OH isn't that keen on cranberry sauce.  So I've adapted the idea, I'm using the turkey along with half a pack of smoked bacon rashers that need using up, I'll dry fry and dice them and will finely chop an onion to add too.  Instead of the jar of cranberry sauce, I'll use the giblet stock, thickening it with cornflour and adding a splash of cream (well, Elmlea actually) and just a spoonful of cranberry sauce.  A made up packet of sage and onion stuffing to be spread on the top, as Marlene suggested, then baked.  We'll have it with green veg.

I also used up some fruit oddments yesterday to make a mixed fruit crumble - 4 wrinkly dessert apples, a speckled banana, and the remains of some defrosted forest fruits I'd been having with yogurt for breakfasts.  Topped with half a tub of crumble mix I'd prepared couple of weeks ago for a rhubarb crumble for husband, made too much crumble and put the rest in the fridge and promptly forgot about it.  It's deee-lish-us, if a little too sweet for my taste - husband likes it though, the banana went all soft and fudgy on being cooked.

I think that's ALL the leftovers dealt with now, and am just about fed up with cooking!  Luckily, we're out tomorrow for dinner and to see the new year in with our friends, looking forward to that.


  1. That adapted pie sounds absolutely delicious and, if I knew where you lived, I might possibly be hammering on the door for a taste!!!
    In fact,. it all sounds delicious. Dealing with leftovers can be a bit wearisome but you'll gain in the longer term, for sure, with a lot less cooking needed.
    Have a lovely time with your friends.

  2. Hope you like the pie, your mixture sounds fun.

  3. Blimey, you've been productive, I would never have dreamed of doing that ! Mind you we did buy a crown, but next time I have a whole bird I'll be following your lead !

  4. I used to cook so much when we had the kids here but I do as little as possible now, lol
    Happy new year to you both and let's hope its better than the last one.

  5. Good for a little out of the house time. Have a good time.

  6. Have a lovely dinner with your friends. Wishing you both a very Happy New Year.

    Hugs! xx


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