
Monday 3 December 2018

No we didn't go mad!! And some great news

Thank you for all the congratulations, I'm still on a high from losing that weight, we'll definitely be having a 3 day diet stint every week or 2.  I don't mind being very strict for 3 days, it'll help us to continue losing weight without getting bored and giving up altogether.  

On Saturday for dinner we had a 1/4 pounder burger each, shop bought frozen ones, which I topped with blue cheese, with oven chips and an olive ciabatta roll spread with Bertolli and mayo, to stuff the chips in.  Oh and coleslaw on the side as a token bit of veg.  The chip butty was lovely, the burger was just alright - but it kept repeating on me and gave me indigestion all night.  Think I'll stick to making my own in future.  Sunday's dinner was lean minced beef with loads of chopped veggies in, served on horseradish mash, lovely.  Other than the chip butty, oh and a packet of crisps whilst watching Strictly Saturday night (fantastic, by the way - both Strictly and the crisps!), we didn't go overboard foodwise at all really.

Out to town this morning, to pick up something on order.  No, not a Christmas gift, something practical.  We like soft lighting in our lounge in the evenings, one fairly dim floor lamp behind husband's armchair, a small lamp on the desk and a large glass jar on the mantel filled with fairy lights.  It's all very restful and easy on the eyes....trouble is, I can't see to read or crochet, the lighting is just too dim.  So I'm getting a floor lamp to stand beside my chair, it's called a Father and Child lamp, an uplighter with a small adjustable reading lamp lower down the stand, should be just right for me to see by in the evenings, each light has an independent switch so I don't have to have both on if not needed.

Some good news (for a change!) - my mother was undergoing tests for a gastric problem, the possibility of stomach cancer had cropped up.  The tests showed no sign of cancer, she has a hiatus hernia.  Not very nice for her, of course, but what a relief it's nothing more serious.  She's been told to eat small meals, little and often, and nothing too spicy (she doesn't like spicy anyway).  She already takes medication to protect her stomach from the side effects of her aspirin.

Husband's got the dentist today, eye and hearing tests Wednesday.  Betty's going to the groomers on Thursday for a bath and nail clip.  I shall be doing some baking this week (I missed that last week), and have some chutney to try and pep up.  I made a batch of fruity chutney back in the Spring, 6's ok but nothing special, not spicy enough and not up to my usual standard.  4 unopened jars of it have been sat in the cupboard ever since, we had 1 jar a few months back, didn't have another for a while as we weren't keen.  I opened another jar a couple of weeks ago, thinking it might have matured and got better with age - nope, still boring.  So I'm going to put it all back in the pan, add some more spices and a couple of chillies, bit of brown sugar and vinegar and reboil.  Hopefully that'll bring it up to scratch, I certainly don't want to chuck it away.


  1. This is a very positive post! Super news about your mother. The only shop-bought burgers I eat now are the Aberdeen Angus ones from Lidl, the price is reasonable and they have spoiled me for any others. x

  2. Lots of good things there, hope the chutney turns out better second time around

  3. I think your chutney will be fine spiced up a bit more. Chances are you'll eat it quicker anyway. Good news for your mum.

  4. So glad that you are keen to carry on with the intermittent diet. I think that you have got it just right, your body will not feel deprived long enough for the plateau effect to kick in, and you will not get so bored and fed up that you go off the rails.

  5. I'm thrilled to bits about your mum, I am sure the chutney will wprk out, that's the joy of chutney, and I'm glad you are carrying on with the eating plan intrermittently. For us all, it's finding a way that suits us and going with it!

  6. A lovely positive post, such good news about your mum.

  7. Good news about your mom, hopefully she will feel a little better with the changes in her diet.

  8. I hadn't seen your new website, Sooze. I asked to be permitted to read your old one, but somehow I was barred (well, Shakespeare was a Bard, so I didn't fret too much over that, ha ha!) Great news on your weight loss, dear girl. Do you know, I can't recall having had a burger in decades, apart from when elder son made burgers for his family using steak mince from our local farm shop (excellent quality beef from Devon Ruby Red cattle). But we keep of processed food as much as we can (having said that - sorry, cliche - we had sausages this evening but that was only the second time for about nine months.)
    Hiatus hernia isn't pleasant - I know as I have one - and I take an acid-reducing medication at night and this has really helped.
    Oh, Betty will look smart after her hair do and pedicure!
    Keep well,
    Margaret P


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