
Friday 14 December 2018

Some answers

Thank you for comments, I'll answer some questions here.  

Husband's still got the lurgy.  We're supposed to be having our neighbour friends in tomorrow evening for our dominoes & pizza night, but I think we'll have to put it off - husband's in no fit state for socialising, and we don't want to risk infecting them with whatever he's got, as they have family arriving next week to stay for Christmas.

We do have 2 spare bedrooms, and so I slept in one of them last night....well, I say slept, I didn't actually get a lot of sleep as I was a bit concerned about him.  He had to get up for the loo 2 or 3 times, which woke me up (I'm a very light sleeper) and he was very restless, I could hear him tossing and turning.  He says he feels a bit better this morning.

I'm really not loving the greens in the blanket.  I can see why Lucy chose them - to represent the stems of the sweet pea flowers - but green, any shade of really, is not my favourite colour.  Briony, you asked what the yarn is like to work with - lovely, Stylecraft Special is what I've used for years, in DK, Aran and Chunky, it's a premium acrylic and is lovely and soft.  Brenda asked if I'm doing the blanket in single's a small cluster-type stitch that I use for most of my blankets, as it's so easy, looks good, doesn't need thinking about and I can almost do it with my eyes shut.  I do one double crochet and one treble (UK terms, I think that's one single and one double in US terms but don't quote me on it!) both in the same stitch, then miss one stitch, then repeat.  See, I said it was easy!

Lucy showed a section of the new CAL blanket on her blog a week or so ago, using all 15 colours in the pack, 2 rows of each.  I've followed her sequence of colours so far, but will finish this first section within the next few days.  Obviously, I don't know how she's working out the colours for the next section (she has mentioned 2 different colourways on her blog).  So I can either wait for the CAL to start in January, to see how she does it, or I could do my own thing and use whatever colours I which case, I probably wouldn't use much of the green shades.  Which means I might not have enough yarn from the pack to do the size I want, if I don't use all the greens, but I almost certainly have some spares in other colours in my stash, I'll have a look later.

I was going to make the pizza today (the dough is already made and frozen) - well, add the topping ready to cook tomorrow.  I was also going to do some mini quiches, pigs in blankets with cranberry relish dip, cheese straws and a mincemeat crumble traybake, all for dominoes night tomorrow.  I think I may still do them anyway, even though we're not having the neighbours in - I'll give half to them as it saves neighbour H having to cook tomorrow.  She likes a day off cooking now and then, same as me.  The rest I'll freeze, they'll probably come in useful over Christmas/New year.

I've done the shopping for next week online, neither of us fancied battling the crowds in the supermarket to get it done, so that job's out of the way.  


  1. Sorry you did not sleep very well maybe you can have a little nap during the day. I am looking forward to seeing Lucy's pattern I will start when she does next year. Sorry you have got to miss the dominos evening. Hope you both have a better day today.
    Hazel c uk

  2. Hope you have a good day!
    We sure ask tons of questions but your blogs are interesting!
    Hope husband better!!!

  3. I'm sorry he is still poorly and also that you're not sleeping all that well. What a lovely thought to save your neighbour some work - so kind of you.

  4. I really do know how you feel, with my husband not feeling good and my ongoing sleep problems, hope things improve for us all

  5. Lots of virtual hugs Sooze, if you are short of any colours send me a list and I will dig through my stash. I have a decent selection in all the weights and have been using the Stylecraft Special for years, I fancy trying some of their new yarns but there is that stash to be worked through first.

  6. Give us all directions and we can meet outside your house for a get together...all the food sounds great. Husband wouldn't even notice us.
    I hope you don't mind my joshing with you. I feel as if we know one another , even though we don't :_)


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