
Friday 28 December 2018

My own personal sauna

Got up at 03.00, after tossing and turning for half an hour.  Last week we'd changed back to a summer weight duvet (4.5 tog) as the winter weight one was just far too hot for me and I was finding it virtually impossible to sleep.  This one is working out much better, generally speaking - husband has a thick double fleece blanket on his side, so he's warm enough, the summer quilt on its own is enough for me.  But tonight I'm having terrible night sweats again (the weather is a lot milder at the mo), felt like I was in a sauna so just had to get up again.  I'll go back to bed when I've cooled down a bit.

After dealing with all the gammon yesterday, we ended up with two lots of thick slices for ham, egg and chips, 4 bags full of diced ham for pasta bakes or pies, a bag of bits to go in soup (with some of the ham stock already frozen), and 2 pots of sandwich spread - finely minced ham mixed with butter, mustard and parsley, each pot will do 4 rounds of sandwiches.

The beef will have the same treatment today - some thin slices to be frozen in gravy, loads diced for pies and curries, and more sandwich spread - minced then mixed with butter and horseradish.  

So each joint, both of which we paid around £10 each for, will have done us for probably 14 or 16 meals for the 2 of us.  Good value, I'm really pleased with that.  

I had a quick look in the big freezer yesterday....we've still got a lot of steak mince, diced pork, sausages and chicken breasts.  Nearly out of fish though - all the salmon's gone (we'd bought a whole salmon some weeks ago when Morrisons had it at half price and husband cut it up into steaks, salmon is my favourite fish), but there are a couple of smoked cod or haddock fillets in there, oh and a pack of smoked salmon pieces that I'd forgotten we had.  Loads of frozen veg still, and several tubs of homemade cauli & broccoli cheese and several of homemade mash mixed with cabbage and onions.  Some frozen Yorkshires too - I make a dozen at a time and freeze them.  So we're in no danger of starving!

Right, it's 04.10 and I've cooled down now so am back off to bed, hopefully I'll go back to sleep, fingers crossed.


  1. Sorry you are not sleeping we should get to together, I woke up at 5 and was violently sick. It is now 5.55 I am going to get a hot water bottle and a couple of paracetamol and get back to bed. Hope you got back to sleep.
    Hazel c uk

  2. It certainly has been mild - two nights I got up to push the window open wider.
    Hope you got back to sleep OK

  3. I hate 'sleeping hot' as we call it here. It keeps me awake too although it's not so much a problem as my internal insulation layer diminishes. I'm well past the hot flush age, thank goodness - that wasn't nice!

    Brilliant value for the joints, well done for getting every last pennysworth!

  4. It has been very warm, a couple of my shrubs have flowers on them. We have 2 of my quilts on the bed and really it is too much. I do have the window flung wide open and that helps. I managed a couple of hours this morning after my time downstairs at stupid o'clock. I walked the dogs and have been prepping the veg for a spread of recipes from my new book. The meat is all sorted and in the freezer for later.

  5. When do you have time to do anything else besides cook? ;) It all sounds good to me.


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