
Sunday 24 February 2019

A yucky start to a lovely day

Well, to cut a (very) long story short, my awful toothache turned very rapidly into an excrutiatingly painful abscess.  After a largely sleepless night, I spent this morning in A&E (over 3 hours, and that was before the footballers and injured small children started flooding in) waiting to have the abscess lanced and drained, which took about 5 minutes.  The lovely emergency dentist said I need to ring my dentist first thing tomorrow to have the offending loose tooth removed....she said as I've had an abscess treated in A&E the dentist is obliged to see me within 24 hours.  As I was dosed up to the eyeballs with painkillers and she gave me a mouthful of anaesthetic, I felt nothing at all.  It's all wearing off now though, so shall have to take some more meds.  

All's well that ends well, once again I am grateful for our fantastic NHS, and it's a lovely day so shall be sitting in the garden this afternoon.


  1. ouch, hope you manage to get it all sorted tomorrow. x

  2. I feel for you Sooze, there is little to compare with pain from an abscess under a tooth. hope all goes well, tomorrow.

  3. I wondered if this was the news I might read today. Here in the Glasgow area, NHS 24 sends you to the dental hospital and a similar procedure is then followed. I also had then to take soft tissue antibiotics and had the offending tooth removed as soon as was possible. Mine was as a result of root canal treatment which was not successful and I lost the tooth anyway. Take care and keep on taking the painkillers.

  4. Oh, love! Be better very soon. Hugs. XOXO

  5. Ouch and double ouch.....Had that happen when I was 20 something, under a wisdom tooth, by Golly it was painful, tooth out at the dentists and i passed out and then had the other 3 wisdoms out in hospital - Horrible memories

  6. Oh my, there's nothing worse than excruciating tooth ache, it seems to affect your entire head. Thank goodness you got the abscess lanced and drained and you can get rid of the damn tooth ASAP! Take care.

  7. OMG, I can't imagine how much pain you must have been in. It was bad enough when I had ordinary toothache a while back, poor you.
    Better off without the tooth.
    Hope all goes well at the dentist.

  8. Shudder!! Fingers crossed it'll get sorted today.

  9. I hope the offending tooth will be dealt with quickly and painlessly. I had a dental abscess a couple of years ago, never before have I been so pleased to see a dentist!


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