
Saturday 16 February 2019


Crippled with backache today, it's been sending out twinges for the past few days but now it's full on agony - can't get comfortable sitting, standing, walking or lying down.  Stomach muscles going into spasm, sciatica in my left bum cheek radiating down the back of my leg.  Left knee feels like it's been forcibly twisted around, right hip agony (although that might be arthritis).  Just shoot me now 😝

Couple of days dosed up with ibuprofen and paracetamol and doing nothing much and normal service should be resumed.


  1. ouch, hope it eases soon. Take care.x

  2. I can sympathise as I have been doing too much sewing and have a similar problem. I can’t take any of the ibrufen type painkillers because of my stomach so I currently have my left bottom cheek on the heat sack. Later on, I will do some of my stretching exercises so the whimpering may be heard down your way!

  3. Oh, poor love. I hope whatever you are taking for this works well and makes you more comfortable. Much love.

  4. Oh dear, I know what its like, been there. You must try not to do anything.

  5. Quit moving Sooze...I can't get a bead on you from here with you moving around. ;)
    Sorry for the pain, dang it.You think from sitting still for 4 courses on Valentine's Day. And the ride?

  6. Huge sympathy from me Sooze.

  7. Hope the pain eases off for you soon. Your condition sound exactly the same as my husband. He's going to ask doctor for another cortisone in his knee next week. That will hopefully reliefs one of the ailments. Take care.

  8. poor thing, hope you feel better soon, Hugs

    Julie xxxx

  9. Hi Sooze.. Hope your pain is settling down. Backache is blimmin miserable. It's a beautiful day here today, The sunshine always seems to make everything feel a bit better.

  10. Even more hugs! xxx


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