
Thursday 28 February 2019

A grand day out

Thank you for comments, we had a fabulous time yesterday.  Here's where we went:-

Selworthy is a small, hilly, very unspoilt village near Minehead, it's part of the National Trust Holnicote estate, which encompasses several small villages.  It's like stepping back in time....centuries old pastel painted cottages with huge chimneys (some of them were round!), leaded windows and thatched roofs, and well kept gardens laid out like allotments but with lots of cottage garden flowers and Spring bulbs too, just like my Granddad's garden when I was a child.  It was a glorious day with an azure blue cloudless sky and wall to wall sunshine, which affected some of my photos...well, that and the fact that I'm no photographer anyway.  I did take loads of snaps, but some of them didn't come out very well - half the time the sun was so strong that I couldn't even see what I was taking a picture of...I just pointed my phone, pressed the button and hoped something would come out!

The view from the car park - Betty's tail did a lot of photobombing!

The church, which looked lovely from the outside and has the most marvellous views:-

A cottage behind the church - it has round chimneys, never seen those before:-

Another very pretty cottage, they seemed mostly to be painted primrose yellow, perhaps it's by order of the Holnicote estate, who I believe own all the cottages:-

How's this for a tea room?  The front of it:-

And the back, where we sat in the very pretty garden (just look at that sky!):-

Husband's Ploughman's lunch (Betty's tail got in the shot again!):-

And my Brie and Cranberry toastie (it was delicious):-

Another cottage, this is a gift shop selling a wide range of handmade goods, locally made by very talented crafts people.  Too costly for me to buy anything, although I could easily have spent a couple of hundred pounds if I had it to spend!  However, the prices reflected the quality and amount of work that had gone into everything:-

I think I'll leave it here, as it's 04.12 and I'm now tired enough to go back to bed!  Our broadband is so slow here, it takes several minutes for each photo to upload, so it's already taken me about an hour to do this post.  It's a pain in the bum, frankly, hence why I don't put photos on every post.


  1. Such lovely photos and I agree that that sky is glorious. Such a beautiful colour. I'm glad you had such a lovely day and hope you have slept blissfully all night.

  2. Just noticed you wrote this early morning so I guess sleep was not unbroken. Did you get back to sleep?

  3. What a wonderful day out, it looks like such a beautiful place with so much to see, and fantastic weather to boot.

  4. Thank you for the great post and photos. Glad you had a lovely day.

  5. Looks a lovely place for a day out in the unexpected sunshine.
    Hope you got back to sleep after this early morning post

  6. It's years since I have been there, beautiful place.

  7. It looks beautiful Sooze. Somewhere to put on my 'things to do when Andy retires in September' list I think.
    Hope you managed some sleep.

  8. Thank you so much for the pictures and your time to do it? Beautiful.

  9. What a lovely place to visit. I would have liked your toastie but not the ploughman's lunch, too much of everything on that plate.
    Glad you had a good time, it probably makes up for the aches and pains.

  10. Looks like you had a lovely day. Just the break you both needed I think. Lunch looks delicious.

  11. Looks lovely. The yellow cottages and blue sky look very summery. A change is as good as a rest as they say.

  12. What a picturesque place! I think the primrose yellow paint is a Nat Trust thing. All the Nat Trust cottages around Killerton House, here in Devon, are this colour too.


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