
Monday 16 December 2019

A not busy/busy week

A very rare occurrence - we have a whole week with no medical appointments at all for either of us.  We have only 2 things on the calendar this week, both on Friday - going shopping for fresh veg and any other bits first thing Friday morning, as soon as the supermarket opens (it's not 24 hours here), and taking Betty to the vet for her follow up ear treatment in the afternoon.

So I'm going to spend the week reorganising the big freezer (again - it's funny how it gets so muddled so quickly....although I think husband has something to do with that!) and seeing what space is available.  I know there is some, we've had a few meals out of the freezer lately.  I also want to do some baking, things to freeze.  I shall make 2 dozen individual Yorkies, a few soups, enough pastry to be divided into a few portions, a couple of wholemeal seeded loaves and a dozen or so rolls.  I saw a recipe the other day for ginger biscotti which I know husband will love, he really likes ginger cake or biscuits, so will have a go at that as well.

My hip and back have been a real problem again the past few days, I've been taking the diazepam at night but it's not really doing anything...I wonder whether it's because I normally take it in conjunction with codeine, but have chosen not to have the codeine this time.  It makes me terribly constipated, which means I have to take yet another medication to combat that, and I just don't want to, it's all bloody meds and I really don't want that.  So I'm going to try taking a diazepam in the morning instead, perhaps every other day, and have a break from the kitchen every hour or so to sit down with my hot wheat bag on my back, to see if that helps instead.  Or maybe try using my little TENS machine, which means I have to lie face down on the bed for 20 mins.  Not such a bad thing I guess.  I'm not going to let it beat me this week, too much to get on with.

I also want to plan some healthy meals this week - with the best will in the world, Christmas and new year is not a healthy eating time and I'm just not going to worry about trying to eat healthily during that period.  I might even have a drink or two! (something which I'm not really supposed to do, because of my liver problems, but let's face it, I'm not Paul Gascoigne so a couple of drinks - and that's all it will be - isn't going to kill me.  So a week of healthy eating before the festive period should do me some good.

The past couple of weeks I've had absolutely loads of spam comments, far more than ever before, it's gone mad....not troll or nasty ones (although there's been the odd few of them), just plain spammy ones, generally advertising some website or other, I've been getting a dozen or more a day.  I wish Blogger had some facility to automatically transfer the obviously spam comments out, so we don't have to physically do it ourselves.  


  1. The smap comments are a pain in the arse. I have to lose weight after Christmas and have been told not to pile on pounds over festive period, but I'm not taking that advice, I will be careful, but my brother is staying and we have family on the day, after all its Christmas.

  2. You'll be glad of a week free of appointments Sooze. I know Andy used to get very down when he had one after the other before and after he had his operation.

    Our indoor freezer gets in a right mess and I am forever trying to sort it out....and yes it is Andy's fault as I ask to go to the butcher's for a kilo of mince and he come back with half a dozen things I haven't asked for and just shoves them in willy nilly.


  3. Phyllium husk is natural although it needs to be in something liquid such as soup, yoghurt, smoothie etc. You need 1 tsp per day. I don’t allow anonymous comments, that cuts out a lot of spam.

  4. Good luck with organising your freezer. With all the stuff you have used, it ought to look great by the time you've finished.

    I agree about spam comments. They're a right pain.

  5. I think it's a case of trial and error with pain. Hope you find some relief soon. Trying to lose a bit of weight here too, so not going too mad over Christmas, and getting a bit more serious in the new year. xx

  6. I have had to take quite a bit of codeine over the years for various ailments and my doctor told me to take Restorolax (I'm sure there will be a uk equivalent) everyday that I took codeine. Worked like a dam, never ever got constipated. You can mix it in a hot or cold drink. I also eat 4 prunes every evening.
    One of my new year resolutions is the freezer. Sort it out, clean it out and keep it organized. I did really well for about 6 months keeping an inventory of what was on each shelf, adding new stuff to it and removing stuff as it was used. I can't remember why I stopped doing it, but it's a real jumbled mess now!!

  7. Wordpress transfer it automatically which is the one good thing about using them. My spam box is full too though but I can mass delete.
    I am going to have a major overhaul of our eating habits in January - just hanging fire over Christmas and will indulge as usual! x

  8. I don't get much spam. it gets deleted as soon as I see it, one click, gone. Same with troll singular or just lately, trolls plural, or the same one using different names. I have to feel sorry for it/them, sad lives.


Thank you for comments, however please note that rude ones won't be published. Nor will anonymous ones now.