
Thursday 5 December 2019

In agony today

After having a lot less pain over the past couple of weeks, down to the CBD I presume, I'm in total agony with my right hip today, the pain kept me awake half the night and I was up early again, it was just too uncomfortable to lie there.  Husband is out and I was planning on spending the morning in the kitchen, doing some batch cooking and baking, but my hip is too painful to be standing up all the time so I won't be doing that.  Sitting down for too long just makes me stiff though, so it's a bit of a vicious circle right now.

Having made all my Christmas cards, well the fronts, the insides need stamping with sentiments so I'll do that today.  I also need to make a couple of birthday cards, and do a few more cards for my mum.  I'll see if I can find a few videos on youtube about watercolour pencil art too.  And I want to look for some low carb/low fat snack ideas.  So plenty to keep me occupied.

Christina, you're welcome, I'm glad you managed to get the salmon, Cherie it's a shame you haven't a bigger freezer.  Ann, you asked about Clarks Village and whether it's not worth going anymore.  I guess it depends what you want....I would say it's probably still worth going for a lot of people.  The Clarks shoe factory shop is still good, we've bought lots of shoes there over the years.  I don't like the big Next and M&S shops there, they remind me of TKMaxx, they're too messy and just like a big jumble sale in my view.  And as for the stuff they sell in the Next shop in particular.....I just think where on earth do they get all this weird stuff from?!  The clothes are just that, weird, too outlandish for my tastes and it all seems to be stuff that I've never seen in the normal store or their online shop.  I dare say the stuff might appeal to young people....

There are a few shops I do like there - Cotton Traders, The Body Shop, a couple of kitchenware and stationary shops, husband likes Sports Direct.  But there are also a lot of the expensive shops that I never go in - Radley (lovely bags but who can afford them?), Jack Wills, Hobbs, Joules etc, even these outlet shops seem blooming expensive to me....yes nice things but I just can't afford them.  I guess it depends what your tastes are and what you're looking for, Ann.  I'm sure there are bargains to be had.  I do like the ambience there though, it's a nice place and quite a nice shopping experience and it's good to have so many shops in a relatively small and contained area.

We're going to a Christmas craft fair in a neighbouring village on Saturday, there are a couple of particular decorations I want and haven't seen them anywhere else, other than online, so I'm hoping some clever local craftsperson might have them.  We don't do Christmas in any kind of big way, but I do like a few minimalist and tasteful decorations.  Husband is very bah humbug, but I just ignore him and let him grump if keeps him happy!


  1. Oh Sooze I am so sorry to hear that you are in pain again.
    Be gentle on yourself today.

  2. Pain is bad this time of year-let me add worse! Went to Bible Study yesterday and the ladies said they missed me Sunday-I told them couldn't get dressed as pain so bad-they asked when I would have surgery to help-my answered to them was whether I should have the two hips or the the two knees or the two shoulders or the two hands not to mention ankles first!!!!!! Not happening. I have suffered since my 20's with Arthritis and now add Osteoporosis and Fibromyalgia...this getting hang in there! We can relate totally! Love your blog of course!!!

  3. Sorry to hear you have pain again. It's awful when you don't know where to put yourself to get comfortable. Hope that keeping your mind busy helps. xx

    I wondered??
    We aren't getting younger so have to put up with some pains and ouches. Be kind to yourself when you feel good and don't do TOO much so as to make yourself hurt the next day. Hugs.

  5. Hope your pain has eased over the day. I find I cannot sit typing or card making for too long these days. x

  6. Oh Sooze love. Hopefully the pain won't be too bad today. Did you manage a few hours sleep through the night.


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