
Wednesday 11 December 2019

Oh for an easy life! UPDATED

Thank you for comments, it's all a lot to consider.  Another complication is that our rent here is relatively cheap, it wouldn't be nearer to a town and amenities.

Anyway, that'll all have to be put aside till sometime in the future.  Husband had his appointment yesterday with the consultant, the one where he was told to take a relative with him.  I can see why - there's a lot to think cancer, but plenty of complicated other stuff.

To cut a long story short, he needs an operation, and there are 3 options for this op.  One is fairly new and they haven't done many of them as yet, so a bit experimental.  He can choose which of the other two options he wants to go for, each have their advantages and disadvantages.  However, for various reasons, he may not be able to have the op at our local hospital - well, I say local, it takes nearly an hour to get there, despite being only 14 miles away as the crow flies...the trouble is, it's a bit of a convoluted route (another downside of living in a rural area).  He may have to go to either Reading (120 miles away) or Newport, Wales (65 miles).  How he's supposed to get to either place and then home again, I don't know....he might be entitled to hospital transport, I know nothing about that, will have to look into it I suppose.  Whichever it is, he'll need to be in for 2 or 3 nights and I won't be able to visit him.  

He needs (yet another) test first before anything else happens, so another period of waiting.

Why is everything so complicated?  And everything always seems worse when it's the early hours of the morning and you can't sleep.


I've phoned the hospital patient transport advisory number.  They won't transport husband, as he's not eligible - he's not disabled, has no medical need and is able to walk.  And as the transport is free of charge, they have a distance limit, unless there are very special circumstances.  They mentioned community schemes whereupon a volunteer driver takes people in the driver's own vehicle or a minibus - the customer has to pay, it's not cheap (£11, with a bus pass which husband hasn't got, to go to our local hospital, so I dread to think what it would cost to go 120 miles) and again they won't all go beyond a certain distance.  Their only other suggestion was to ask the consultant if there's a surgeon willing to do it in a hospital not as far away.  Which I assume the consultant would have suggested anyway!  Ah well, it might not happen, so we'll just have to cross that bridge if we come to it.


  1. It does, doesn't it? Things just go round and round and round and there's nothing else to distract you from your thoughts.
    I'm pretty sure you will be entitled to hospital transport and there may be be a voluntary group that organises transport. My Mum used to help in a local group and got to know the hospital very well indeed after a while! Maybe that would be worth investigating too.

    1. Just seen the update. What a nuisance for you. :-(

  2. I should imagine you will be entitled to hospital transport and would it be possible for you to stay In B&B close by, some hospitals have lists of such accommodation for this purpose.

  3. Like Joy said, you might find that there is a local transport group. My friend's husband drives people to and from hospital in his car. I am not sure whether they pay, I'll ask next time we speak.

    1. There is, they charge £11 return (if you have a bus pass, which my husband hasn't....£19 without it) for a trip to our local big hospital.

  4. Oh, Sooze! At least it's not cancer, and by the sounds of it, nothing too urgent. I'm sure there'll be a way to get Hubby and you to and from the hospital easily and cheaply once you start investigating. It's a lot to take in and you both need time to digest the information. Hope all goes well for you both. xx

  5. What a lot for you to get your head round.
    A relief to know what is wrong and that something can be done about it but the complications of a different hospital and the transport problems all add to the stress.
    I hope you find a solution.

  6. I would go with the best surgeon with a good record even if it meant a hospital further away as not all surgeons are equal and it is best to get a good result from the operation first time. You may have to factor in that you could possibly need return visits to the surgeon too for check ups.
    Could your brother or a friend step in and help or book into a nearby airbnb for a week presuming your husband is able to drive back after a few days recuperation. I had to do similar when I had an op in Liverpool in my twenties and I had no one to help at the time.

  7. As "wherethejourneytakesme" said, go with the best surgeon. You want someone who's done the op many times before with good results. You can't gamble with your health. I hope you find a way through this without it costing you the earth! xx

  8. Although I do drive, we had a similar problem a few years ago. DB had to have a delicate throat operation and although his surgeon was local, he sent him to his make up north as he was the better choice. I had to take DB to the train station, he caught the train there and was away 3 days. He caught a train back, I picked him up, he wasn't feeling at all well and we all had to drive straight to a craft fair that had been booked. DS was also ill with bronchitis.

  9. If I didn't live in Lancashire, I would take you. Period. X

  10. Try your local volunteer bureau. Or citizens advice may help.

  11. I work in a hospital that serves a huge are of Northern Canada. Most governments pay to send their people down with an escort. One territory has it's own lodge here for patients to stay in. People from within the province are expected to find their way to us, stay with friends or pay their own accommodation at local hotels (several offer reduced rates for hospital families).

    I think it is important for you to remember that in many countries you would be facing a lot more expenses than transport and accommodation. It's out there on Twitter that Americans would love to have healthcare that didn't involve selling the farm to afford surgery. They face $100Ks for some surgeries. Our only costs are transportation and parking.

    It's all about choices and priorities.

  12. I wish you could start driving. You sound so strong and it would help! I rent also-expensive in this city!!! I have moved 30 times in my life! I don't mind!!!!

  13. Oh Sooze, it’s a lot to get your head around. Good news that there is no cancer. But I agree with other comments to go with the best surgeon. Perhaps you could look into good train deals off peak?


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