
Friday 27 December 2019

Getting Christmas over with

…..not that Christmas really happened here.  Thank you again for your lovely comments, I've had so many comments, messages, emails and texts, it gives me such a warm feeling.

I cooked a roast dinner yesterday (and ate it), it's the first time I've cooked a proper meal in a week or more, we've been pretty much surviving on crisps, peanuts and cake (my Christmas cake I made about a month ago, no marzipan or icing though, and a lovely carrot cake a kind neighbour made for us).  Oh, and the lovely buffet our friends provided Christmas evening....friend M practically stood over me with a whip to make sure I ate it (ok, slight exaggeration M but you did 'encourage' me to eat, so thank you 😘).  We've got lots of homemade sausage rolls, mince pies, pigs in blankets and a homemade bacon, Brie and cranberry puff pastry pie in the freezer, none of which we felt like eating, so that's what we're going to eat over today and the weekend - just to tidy them up and get them out of the way, so there's only healthy food left 😉😁.  There's a method in my madness.....eating that lot will probably mean that by Monday I'll be feeling bloated, sick and desperate to eat clean, light, healthy food, so the healthy diet commences next week.

On the subject of which.....Cherie this morning mentioned on her blog a salad another blogger, Meg (not come across her blog before, but will bookmark it now) put on hers.  I've had a look and it's lovely, exactly the sort of thing I like, so will be making that next week.  If any bloggers want to band together so we can all encourage each other with healthy eating, please shout!

Sister and I were reminiscing via WhatsApp early this morning, funny stories about Mum, we were both in stitches, did us both good.

Going to venture out to the shops in a bit, will be good to get out of the house for a while.


  1. It's so lovely to hear that you and your sister have some stories to share
    about your Mum that can make you laugh.

    I have jobs to do today but I'm really looking forward to getting out tomorrow for some fresh air.

  2. Hi Sooze. Glad to see that you are sounding a lot chirpier. I am looking forward to starting my clean fresh diet next week. I totally agree about us all banding together to support and encourage one another. I will put nice recipes on my blog and will link to any that I find online. I aim to be twenty pounds lighter by this time next year.

  3. There will be days when you laugh and days when you cry. Both are good in their own way. Eventually, the laughter will outweigh the tears. xx

  4. The coming days will be like riding a roller coaster - I hope you can concentrate enough to have some helthy meals. I have ear marked January to focus on my health and diet or lack of it at the moment. I have nothing seriously wrong with me just a few niggles that I don't want to become worse. I have a stack of healthy living books I am wading through for ideas and we have plenty of cake and things to eat up before then. Thinking of you x

  5. It is good to know that you and your sister can laugh, it will be important to do so. XOXO


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