
Tuesday 17 December 2019

Freezer done

Had a good day yesterday and got loads done.  I reorganised the big freezer in the utility room and the fridge freezer in the kitchen, they weren't as bad as I thought actually so it didn't take too long.  I then did a new freezer inventory.  After sitting down for a while to both rest my back and hip and wrap my hands round a hot mug of coffee to thaw them out, I worked out a menu plan for the rest of this week and weekend, and also did my shopping list for Friday.

Chopped up the rest of Sunday's roast chicken and froze it, along with the leftover veg - I'd deliberately prepped and roasted a large tray of root veggies on Sunday, so I could freeze half for another day.  I then made the ginger biscotti, this is the recipe I used if anyone wants it:-

I can recommend it, they're lovely.  I didn't bother with the icing on the top, husband's not a fan of icing.  The recipe makes loads, I've frozen half of them, I'm sure you could easily halve the quantities if you wanted less.  I used a bit less sugar in the recipe, as I always do, I also used black treacle instead of the stated molasses, as that's what I had.  I didn't have any allspice or ground cloves, so used mixed spice.  I doubt it's critical to use the exact stated spices actually, just a mixture of warm sweet spices would do, I'm sure.  I will make them again but will probably use a bit more ginger next time.

This morning I'm going to make 2 dozen individual Yorkshire puds and some shortcrust pastry to freeze, then will go up to my craft room and do some cardmaking this afternoon.  I also have a few presents to wrap.


  1. Sounds like a productive day. Didn't click on the link to the biscotti - too tempting. I need a recipe for biscuits that are really tasty and absolutely no calories - if you find one, please share! xx

  2. Oh, that looks and sounds absolutely fabulous. Thanks for the link - I have all the ingredients in (if I use treacle) so I think I will make these rather than the gingerbread biscuits I had planned to make. Thanks for the hint about the ginger and I agree that really you can make your own mix of warm, aromatic spices.
    Have a lovely day creating good things.
    J x

  3. I have still got my cake and mincepies to make and time is moving on now so mildly panicked! Have a lovely day making and baking. x

  4. What a busy day - you got loads done
    I;ve never eaten biscotti - will have to investigate

  5. Well that was a very productive day.
    Not sure I ought to be tempted by the biscottibut I'll save the link anyway :)
    Have a good day today.

  6. Have a Merry Christmas
    Love your blog

  7. Glad you are able to do some things ! Merry Christmas.


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