
Sunday 29 December 2019

Highs and lows in town

Yesterday morning we nipped to town to get a couple of things I wanted - the health shop (H&B) are having one of their Penny sales (buy one thing full price, get another for a penny) and this weekend they have an extra 15% off any spend over £35.  So I got another 2 bottles of CBD oil, the larger 30ml size (I'd previously got the 10ml size), for just £34 for the two.  At full price without any of the offers, those 2 bottles would have cost me £80, so a very good saving.  And they'll last me for ages.

Whilst there, I noticed one of the card shops was selling 2020 calendars at half price, one of them had large size months and dates and plenty of space to write things on.  I'll get one of those for Mum, I thought, it'll be just right for her (she's nearly blind in one eye and has poor sight in the other).  I'd actually picked it up and was on my way to the till when I remembered.....I had to rush out of the shop in tears.  No doubt there'll be plenty more occasions like that, until it finally does sink in that she's no longer with us.

I decided to make the healthy brown rice salad that Cherie mentioned (from A hopeful nature blog) for lunch yesterday.  I didn't follow Meg's recipe exactly, but used what I had - brown basmati rice, cooked diced chicken from out of the freezer, some crumbled feta cheese, chopped tomatoes, cucumber and a couple of gherkins, a few remaining olives and some pomegranate seeds, plus a handful of chopped walnuts.  For the dressing, I mixed up some olive oil, honey, lemon juice and homemade cranberry sauce with salt & pepper, shaking it all in a jar.  It was lovely.  Sorry, I forgot to take a photo.  There's enough left for lunch today, I'll take a pic if I remember.

For tea last night we had the sausage rolls and pigs in blankets I'd made for Christmas and froze and never ate, with homemade coleslaw and a few slices of cheese.  

Dinner today will be the bacon, brie and cranberry puff pastry pie I'd also made and froze before Christmas, we'll have it with veg and probably a cheese sauce.


  1. The food sounds lovely.
    There will be times when it just overwhelmes but they do get less frequent after a while. It's still very early in the whole bereavement process for you.
    Sending love

  2. You'll have times when the emotions are overwhelming. Just accept that it's part of the grieving process. It will get easier. xx

  3. It was the same for me when my Mum passed away a few years ago. I used to ring her a few times a week and it took a while before I realised that that won't be happening again. It gets easier Sue.

  4. As above comments it is early days and it takes a while for the loss of your mum to fully sink in.
    The salad has a good mix of healthy foods - I love brown rice we have it quite often with just roast vegetables stirred in.Take care xx

  5. It takes time and lots of tears to cope with losing a loved one. Time is a great healer. Your version of Meg's salad sounds tasty.

  6. Your food still sounds delicious. Hugs! xxx

  7. It’s early days, Sooze, you’re going to have times like in that shop. I still do occasionally now and my Dad has been gone 3 years. Those penny deals at H & B are good, aren’t they! Your salad sound really nice!


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