
Sunday 24 March 2019

A new hobby

I'm beginning to think I'll never have a full night in bed again.  I don't worry about it anymore, I just get up and come downstairs, no point in lying there if I can't sleep, my mind just goes into overdrive if I do.  Better to come down, put the laptop on and read the papers and a few blogs.  Welcome to a new reader, Christina - I hope you managed to ease your pain and get some more sleep.

I need a new hobby, something that will distract me and keep both my hands and mind occupied.  I just can't get motivated with crochet at the moment, for whatever reason it just doesn't appeal.  After thinking about it for a few days, prompted by having to buy a card for someone and thinking how expensive a decent card is, I've decided to have a go at cardmaking.  I'm late to the party with this, everyone else seems to make their own.  So yesterday afternoon we went to The Range, which has a vast supply of art and craft materials.  I was hoping for a basic cardmaking starter kit, but there didn't seem to be one - kits for everything else though!  There were masses and masses of bits to buy - for cardmaking and scrapbooking, whatever that is, I was a bit bemused by it all.  I settled on a pack of 50 blank cards and envelopes - very nice ones, cream linen finish - they were on a reduced price shelf with a sticker at £4.49, but at the till they came out as 44p!  What a fantastic bargain.  I also got a pack of different colours and designs of backing paper, and a pack of coloured card, my idea being to cut out shapes from the coloured card and stick them onto one of the backing papers, on the front of the cards.  Three packs of stickers (greetings, numbers and letters), plus some glue and a pair of sharp scissors also picked up, and I thought that would do for the time being.  The lot came to just over £14, enough stuff to make 50 cards - blimey!

To be honest, there was just so much 'stuff' there, I found it very confusing and almost impossible to work out what I wanted.  You could certainly spend a ton of money though, if you felt like it.  It's my sister's 35th wedding anniversary this year and I'd like to make a special card for them, I have the glimmer of an idea for it.

If any of you experienced cardmakers think there's anything else essential I should have, or any good ideas for how to go about beginning cardmaking, I'd be pleased to hear them.

We're going to our first car boot sale of the season this morning, the weather is forecast to be decent and we're going to a large one that we know is always there, it's been going for years.  Will have to dose myself up with tablets before we go, my back and hip are still killing me and walking in a lumpy field won't help.  Although looking round at everything will at least take my mind off the pain for a while.


  1. Hi Sooze. The most useful piece of kit that I have is my Big Shot.. there are other varieties of die cutting machine out there but this is the one I have. It isn't cheap buts it's useful for more than just card making though so well worth the investment. If you would be comfortable giving me your address I will cut a load of background bits and bobs for you. Leave it as a comment on my blog.... obviously I won't publish it

    1. That's really kind of you Cherie, thank you. I'm not even sure what a die cutting machine is!

  2. Hello Sooze

    I'm a cardmaker and have been for about 10 years. There's lots of inspiration on pinterest and youtube and you can download some images and backing papers free from the internet to vary your supplies. The one extra to your list I would add (but everything is personal preference) would be double sided tape. Glue is good but sometimes you can see on thinner papers where the glue is. But experiment first and see how you get on; maybe I'm just heavy handed!

    If you have freeview or similar, you can also watch the craft channels on TV (although they are trying to sell you things, of course, so you have to lock up your purse first!).

    I hope that you enjoy crafting.

  3. Thank you Helen, pinterest and youtube is a good idea, hadn't thought of that.

  4. I've made cards in the past and it's a very satisfying process. Wait till you get to Christmas - they are really such fun to make.

  5. I am pleased you have got a new hobby it will be something to forget about your problems. I have been a card marker for a lot of years been a teacher of craft for a lot of years. The only thing I say is START SMALL for it can be expensive one nice way before you don't need expensive machines. I now one blog makes really lots of lovely cards with decoupage. I am happy enough to send you to some bits it you would like. It is something your husband can enjoy with you.
    Hazel c uk

    1. Thank you Hazel, yes I'm sure I could have spent loads of money in the shop, if I was so inclined and had it to spend!

    2. Thank you for replying to your post Sooze. I have a few brand new stamp and wonder if you would like them. They are very easy to do.
      Hazel c uk

  6. Re the not sleeping, turning on your laptop is very worst thing you can do. Read, card make, whatever but don't turn on any screen devices, TV, laptop, phone etc. The blue light in the screen displays interrupts your body's production of melatonin. Research has shown that you shouldn't look at blue light screens for at least an hour before bed. Google it, very interesting research. Savannah.

    1. Yes I had heard that, Savannah. I don't watch TV in the night, but do look at stuff on my laptop. Oddly enough, after an hour or so of that I do feel sleepy again!

  7. Hi Sooze - coincidental to your post today I have a post all ready in draft about my recent card making - I normally make some from my own watercolour sketches but over the years I have amassed a great deal of scrap papers and a lot of card blanks and I wanted to reduce the pile so the other day I put them together and added a simple greeting - I think they turned out quite effective and you will see you do not need a lot of decoration or expense to produce a nice card. I also used bits from bought cards I had received - hanging onto these can often prove useful - I even used some pretty packaging.
    I will put the post up later today if it will help you - you might want to read it in the middle of the night when you are unable to sleep! I am sure you will enjoy your new hobby.

    1. That would be lovely and so useful, thank you.

  8. Best to start simple and find your style, it's very easy to get carried away and spend loads of money on stuff which looks good and you never use. My one piece of advice to you would be, keep all cards given to you, they can be cut up and used again, saving money. I have loads of dies for cutting Happy Birthday, etc, I will get some cut in shiny card and pop them in the post to you this week.

    1. Thank you Marlene, that's very kind of you.

  9. Have fun with your new hobby, I hope you enjoy making the cards. xx

  10. Cardmaking is such a lovely hobby and I really miss it now that I don't do it any more.
    Like Helen I would recommend double sided tape rather than glue for layering as sometimes glue can warp your card. Also little foam pads if you want to add a little depth to your layers.
    You'll have to show us some of your makes.
    Enjoy your new hobby.

    1. Sheila and Helen, thanks for the double sided tape and foam pads tips, hadn't even occurred to me!

  11. I crochet and from time to time lose my "crojo" 😀
    I've never had a go at card making but I bet its fun!
    Probably car boot sales would be good hunting ground for supplies?
    It's a cold, blustery day here in Lancashire. Hope its been better for you, seeing you've been carbooting.

  12. Sounds like fun... the boot sale.
    Have fun and take great pleasure in your card making endeavor. That should keep you just the right busy.

  13. They have some lovely bits and pieces, ideal for beginners, in both Home Bargains and Poundland. Sometimes they have card kits too. Less expensive too, though your card was a bargain.

  14. I hope you enjoy your new hobby Sooze. I have often been tempted to get into card making and scrap booking but as my craft/sewing room already looks like a 5 gallon pail with 20 gallons crammed into it I don't dare!! I've read lots of uk blogs who say that they get lots of their card making and scrap booking from the car boot sales at greatly reduced prices. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of your work. Hopefully it will help take your mind off things.

  15. Hi Sooze. I have thrown a few bits into an envelope for you and am popping it in the post for you this morning. Hope you have fun playing with them.

  16. I came late to this post but want to add a couple of ideas which I use when making cards. I have a jar of glue on shapes which I bought very cheaply in the U.K. when our daughter was small. Also I have bought cheap nail varnish/polish in glittery colours and also silver and gold. They look wonderful dotted on or around any flowers.

    1. OOH Jan. I hadn't thought of using nail varnish on my cards. Thanks for the tip.


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