
Tuesday 8 November 2022

Crap week already

 This has been a shit week so far - one of those where you wish you could just bugger off to a desert island, stand there alone and scream your head off.  Or rewind the clock and start all over again, completely wiping out what had gone before.  

I wish you all lived nearby so I could hug you all and say thank you in person.


  1. Sounds like pen and paper time. Write something down for your eyes only - even if it’s just *bu**er, bu**er, bu**er over and over

  2. Sending you a BIG hug! I think we all get times when we want to stop the world and get off. Unfortunately, we rarely get the chance to even step away from all the crap for a while. If you can, take yourself to your craft room, put some gentle music on and do a bit of crochet/drawing/cardmaking or just sitting. Hoping things improve for you very soon. xxx

  3. Thinking of you and sending warm (((hugs))) xx

  4. I think we all have those days, Sooze. Personally, I'm looking forward to Friday, when my car will be insured again and I can, at last, go off out somewhere. Just hope this wild, wet & windy weather goes away before Friday! Hoping to go and park by the sea, taking a thermos and some coffee to enjoy with the car windows down. Bliss! I'll be thinking of you and wishing you were there with me. We'd escape together.

  5. Sending you lots of (((hugs))).

    God bless.

  6. Hugs ! dear one snuggle with Betty, take a nap or just a lay down away upstairs as often as you can. Hugs and a back rub coming from here. :)

  7. I never got to comment on your post from yesterday because I just couldn't find the right words. Sooze, you are amazing. You really are.


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