
Thursday 17 November 2022

Poor Betty

 We couldn't get started with the decluttering and sorting yesterday morning, as we had to take Betty to the vet.  Whilst out with husband on her morning walk, she'd managed to break one of her back claws quite badly, it was obviously bothering her as she was limping on that leg and kept licking her foot obsessively.  One of her dew claws was also broken, not sure if that happened at the same time, although she did lick it occasionally, it didn't seem to be hurting her as much as the back claw and didn't look as bad.  The vet trimmed up her broken claws as best he could, and trimmed some of the others as well.  He said some of her claws are splitting or flaky (I'd noticed that as well), so as well as an antibiotic injection and drops, he's also given us some capsules to strengthen her claws.  He also said she's put on a bit of weight, which is most likely caused by not enough exercise lately.....what with husband's breathlessness and my mobility issues, Betty's been having shorter walks.  So he said if we can't walk her more, then we should cut down her food a bit to compensate.  Applies to me and husband too!  Vet bill was nearly £100, we do have pet insurance but the excess is £100 so didn't cover us.  Still, she's a beloved member of our family so we pay what we have to.

One of the things I want to get rid of is our collection of old defunct computers - one desktop and two laptops.  They obviously don't work and are old and probably obsolete now, so I don't know why we've kept them really.  I think I wiped everything off one of them, but don't remember doing the others.  So just to be on the safe side, I got husband to take the backs off them, take out the hard drives and smash them up in the garden, so we can dispose of all the bits at the tip without fear of someone making use of our personal details.  We've got a top up shop to do this morning, along with the first of many trips to the tip and dropping off some stuff at the charity shop.  I'll continue with sorting out the small bedroom/craft room, husband has his pre-op assessment by phone this afternoon.


  1. Oh, poor Betty. I hope her claws heal quickly. I was wondering if massaging a little olive oil onto her claws would help with the flaking, too? When we got rid of our old computer, we did the same - smashed up the hard drive. Better safe than sorry! xx

    1. If I did that she'd lick it off straight away! haha xx

  2. Poor Betty! Our 9 mth old lab tore some ligaments in his back leg a couple of weeks ago. A course of anti-inflammatories and a week non-working fixed it. However on his vet check, the vet examined his leg & accidentally pushed his knee cap out & dislocated it!! Never heard screams like it from a dog!! The vet pushed it back in, but with a dose of methadone poor pup was like a zombie all night.

    1. Oh, your poor little doggy! We do love our fur babies, don't we?

    2. Oh how awful, is he ok now?

    3. Yes, thanks- he's fine now, but he was meant to be neutered today, but 1. I've lost confidence in the vet and 2. He's been through a lot this last fortnight. I'll probably wait until he's 1.

    4. I'm not surprised, don't think I'd feel like taking my dog back after that!

  3. Aww poor Betty, I bet that really hurts. We give our two an occasional can of tuna, which they share with Ginger, just about once a week and it helps their coat and claws ... just as it would help our hair and nails. It was our vet in Wales that recommended it as the girls got older.

    I hope she gets over it quickly.

    1. Thanks Sue. Betty already has canned sardines or tuna once or twice a week, she loves them.

  4. Poor girl. Yes, we'll do whatever's needed for our babies. Smart action in the computers.

  5. I bet the start of the clean up made you both feel a bit lighter!!! Now to start that here.

  6. Well done with the computers and poor Betty, it sounds very uncomfortable. xx


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