
Wednesday 30 November 2022

Another problem

 Something else to add to my stress levels this morning......Betty's split claw that we took her to the vets about last week, has now split completely open from top to bottom, totally exposing the quick.  It's bothering her even more now, understandably.  We've rung and got an appointment for 3.45 this afternoon, I've also asked for the vet to ring us back asap for some advice prior to bringing her in.  She's very anxious about going to the vets, she really doesn't like it at all (probably because nearly every time we take her she has something horrible done to her, so it's a bit like going to the dentist for us!) and thus isn't very co-operative, whines and strains at the lead to try and get out.  I'm wondering if there's something we can do or give her, or they can give her as soon as we arrive, in order to reduce her anxiety (ironically, I've got plenty of anti-anxiety pills - which I shall be taking by the handful today!! - but obviously they're for humans, not dogs).  She's not very happy at all this morning, and was extremely restless during the night, keeping me awake, so she's clearly suffering.  I hate to see her in pain or under the weather, bless her, it really makes my stomach churn.

I've managed to book a haircut with my lovely hairdresser neighbour for Friday afternoon, so that's something positive.

I've done washing this morning, although it won't be going out on the line - it's misty, damp and cold so it won't dry outside, it'll have to go on the airers upstairs.  I've also made 2 pizzas - well, put toppings on 2 bought pizza is for dinner tonight, the other will be frozen, or possibly eaten cold for lunch tomorrow.  I also used up some sun dried tomatoes in oil, some walnuts, finely grated mature Cheddar, garlic puree and dried basil to make a kind of red pesto - just blitzed everything up in my mini processor and added some seasoning.  We'll have it stirred through a pack of fresh spinach and ricotta filled pasta for tomorrow's dinner, with stir fried courgettes and mushrooms.

Apparently there's going to be a big shortage of fresh turkeys this December, because of the bird flu.  Just as well we're not buying one - not that we ever do anyway, and especially not at this time of year, far too expensive.  


  1. Aww, poor Betty, that must be so painful. Suky is also at the vets this afternoon at 3.50pm so I will think of you and Betty then. Rather weirdly Suky absolutely LOVES the vets and can't wait to go into the surgery for whatever they are about to do for her, even trotting off happily alone last time when they needed to do an additional blood test and she literally came out grinning!

    Your pizzas and pasta meals sound delicious. I dot pesto onto pizzas now in amongst all the other toppings, it works really well.

  2. Poor Betty. I hope she gets relief today. Your meals sound very nice.

  3. Oh, poor little Betty. Fingers crossed that she gets some relief and the vet can recommend something to help her anxiety. Like many little girls, I wanted to be a vet, until I realised it wasn't cuddling kittens and puppies all day, you had to do not very nice things to them! xx

  4. Poor Betty, that's very sad - a split nail sounds really unpleasant.. I'm hoping the vet visit isn't too stressful for any of you. xx

  5. Hugs and healing wishes for Betty and her owners.

  6. I hope Betty got through the vet visit and that the help did not stress her out anymore.

    God bless.

  7. Not knowing not a vet...just some common sense ...would super glu work on her toenail. Hope all goes well. I know how in tune with my feelings my dog is being anxious would make her anxious.

  8. Petivan is the vet's version of Ativan. One of our dogs used when being air transported during a move. Made her a bit groggy but helped her.

  9. Poor Betty. I do hope you both got on OK at the vets and that her claw is more comfortable now. What a worry.


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