
Thursday 15 August 2019

Diverting away from the dreaded BT stuff

BT sent us an email late yesterday afternoon, stating they are looking into our complaint.  Whether that's down to husband's phone call on Tuesday, or me emailing the CEO yesterday, I don't know.  The engineer is supposed to come this morning, I make no other comment.

All this stress is doing my guts and sleep patterns no good at all.  So today I shall leave husband to deal with the engineer (if he comes) and I'll retreat upstairs to do some cardmaking.  

I'm in the process of creating another blog, purely to do with cardmaking.  I enjoy it so much and am learning new things all the time, so want to document it all on a dedicated blog.  I'll give the blog link once it's up and running.

In the meantime, has anyone heard of - or use - something called Flower Soft?  It's a method of making little flower sprays from a pot of coloured sprinkles, for use in cardmaking or crafts.  I happened upon it by accident and am very interested in it.


  1. There are some videos on the Flower Soft about it on YouTube

  2. A card making blog sounds great! I will read it all with interest once it starts. Thanks.

    And fingers crossed for You Know What

  3. Come on BT, do your stuff! Fingers and toes, paws and claws firmly crossed!

  4. I tried Flower Soft many moons ago and loved it for Christmas cards although I didn't actually use it for making flowers.
    Have fun if you try it.

  5. Like Sheila I use white Flower Soft on Christmas cards, it makes lovely snow. Looking forward to seeing your new craft blog.


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