
Monday 12 August 2019

Still plodding on

Got a busy-ish week, 2 engineers to come and repair things....the BT one coming tomorrow, a plumber to sort out our hot water pump which keeps running on even when switched off.  No idea when he's coming, he just turns up when he's in the area!  He's employed (and paid) by the landlord and is a nice bloke, it's just a bit inconvenient sometimes not knowing when he's coming, but that's the way they seem to work.

Got a small bit of shopping to do, and some food and a new bed to get for Betty, and then I need to have a morning making her some food to freeze.  Husband has a couple of jobs to do for neighbours, I have some cards to make.  And we have a family wedding on Friday, which I'm really looking forward to.

Husband's expecting a phone call from the GP today, with his latest wee test results from the lab.  He took a sample in last week (he does most weeks), a quick dip test there and then showed the infection is still present.  All the antibiotics he's been taking for months now don't seem to clear it up completely, they just keep it subdued.  At least he's not getting the pain on peeing now, although it's still tingling and he still has the frequency issues.  His CT scan results were a bit inconclusive, no 'nasties' visible (in the consultant's words), but he admitted that parts of his bladder and urethra are still not visible because of the grossly enlarged prostate, so it's impossible to be 100% certain.  He said husband will probably need some treatment for his prostate, but didn't say what!  The consultant (who husband has still yet to see) is going to discuss husband's problems with his colleagues at their next joint fortnightly meeting.  We are both so totally fed up with all this uncertainty, we just wish that they would discover and tell us exactly what's wrong, it's so bloody frustrating not knowing and therefore not having a solution to husband's ongoing UTIs.

Nothing much changes for me, I'm still knackered from lack of sleep and putting up with back and hip pain, they're all constants now.  Just keep plodding on!  (or limping on).


  1. I have just had a plumber here to replace (yet another) Diverter Valve on the hot water tank and to fix the problem of slow water drainage from my kitchen sink and my bath. I hope that this man has finally done the job properly, unlike the last two firms. I don't like having people in doing things...

    I am so sorry that S is still having problems and I hope that things can be resolved in the near future. I also hope that you can get some relief. XOXO

  2. Hope you get your repairs sorted. Also that husband gets his problems resolved. Nice to have the wedding to look forward to.

  3. That's all we can do isn't it Sue, keep plodding on.
    Take care.

  4. Lucky Betty getting a new bed, hope she'll enjoy snuggling down in it!
    I hope the consultant hurried up to sort your hubby out once and for all.
    Does massage help your back/hip at all or some yoga? It does alleviate mine when it's bad.
    Enjoy the wedding on Friday, Sooze! x


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