
Saturday 9 November 2019

Birthday holiday

Yes I enjoyed it....with reservations.  Would I go again, to the same place and at the same time?  No.  Nice place, just too small, particularly with a dog.

The chalet was warm, comfortable and well equipped with quality furnishings, particularly the bedrooms. Lovely comfy bed (although I still didn't sleep any better).  Really nice to have a dishwasher - we haven't had one at home since the last one packed up and I couldn't justify getting another when it's just the two of us and I'm home all day.  But it was so lovely just to be able to stack all the dirty dishes out of sight until the end of the day, and then not have to wash them myself, real luxury as far as I'm concerned. I hadn't realised just how much I miss a dishwasher.

Peace and quiet, despite being behind a pub, we heard no noise whatsoever, and most of the other chalets (just 12 altogether) were unoccupied.  Lovely country views....when it wasn't dark and dismal because of the near constant rain.  Lots of rest, relaxing with a book and music on the CD player....because the tv was broken for 2 or 3 days.  Well, it wasn't broken, it turned out to be operator error, husband couldn't get it to work....the owner came and sorted it the first time, but even he had trouble getting it working.  I was just glad of the peace and quiet - at home if husband is in, then the tv is on, whereas I rarely have it on myself.

We did have several lovely meals out.  Our friends were also on holiday, staying in a beautiful barn conversion nearby, we met up with them for meals a few times.  My birthday was made really special, husband cooked my favourite breakfast of smoked salmon with scrambled egg and cream cheese whilst I opened my cards....some lovely ones and not a single rude one! Then we went over to our friends, who really made a big effort - they'd even put up birthday decorations. Best friend M cooked a gorgeous roast lamb dinner (my favourite), followed by cake with candles (just 6, didn't want to burn down their holiday cottage 😂) and a glass of bubbly. It was such a nice day.

My brother and SiL came to visit on our last day and the six of us (our friends included) had a nice lunch in the very old pub here, we had a lovely time.

The main disappointment was the weather, it rained and rained most of the week, meaning we couldn't go out walking or sightseeing and certainly no beach walks for Betty. We did venture into Bideford Thurs morning, when the forecast was for showers on and off...well they lied, 5 minutes after we got out of the car it absolutely hurled it down with hailstones and we got drenched, poor Betty was whimpering, so we gave up and went back to the chalet. Thank goodness it was warm and didn't leak!

We've had a nice time but I don't think we'll be in a hurry to go away in November again.

Oh, and mum's been in hospital again all week, very poorly with a nasty infection, breathing problems and possible mini stroke, so that's been on my mind all the time.


  1. I'm glad you had such a lovely deserve it.

  2. It's good to get away, you can relax and not notice all the things you should be doing, shame about the weather, but then it is good to sit and relax. Here the TV only goes on when we see something we want to watch, and never before 6pm, luckly we both have loads to do, me with craft and hubby is a book worm.

  3. I'm glad you've had a pleasant time. A shame about the rain but I guess that's always a risk. Some Novembers have been lovely, you can just can never predict.
    There's only me and I would miss my dishwasher terribly!

  4. Pressed publish too soon. I'm very sorry to read your mum is bad again.

  5. Happy bday young woman!!!! Glad it has been a nice one!!!!

  6. Glad to hear your vacation went well, we can't schedule the weather, sadly.
    But you vacated and did new and different. Restful. Glad for you.

  7. I am so glad that your birthday was special.

    Sorry to hear about your Mum though.

    Hugs! xx

  8. Glad you had a nice birthday and visit with your friends and your brother and SIL. Hope your mum is doing a little better.

  9. Good to hear you had a lovely birthday celebration and a relaxing time on holiday.
    Hope your Mum is feeling better soon.

  10. Sounds like, despite the weather, you had a relaxing break and a nice birthday. Sorry to hear your Mum is poorly, I hope she recovers quickly, as much for your sake as hers! xx

  11. Glad you had a great birthday and sorry to hear your mums poorly again.x


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