
Saturday 23 November 2019

Feeling good....and a disclaimer

And yet another good night's sleep - and the pain in my hips and back is definitely less pronounced.  I am astonished, frankly - I was willing to give the CBD oil a go as a last resort and didn't really believe it would do much good, but it is (well, for me anyway) and I'm a convert.  

Janice, I see you're in Canada.  I've this morning googled about the legality of THC here in the UK.....basically, it's not legal here, as yet, except for 2 specific types which are licenced only for use with 2 medical conditions - MS and certain types of epilepsy.  To be legal here for purchase for anything else, CBD oil has to contain less than 0.2% THC.  No UK company has a licence to manufacture the oil for medicinal purposes - as yet, and as such, they're not allowed to make any medical claims for it, it has to be sold as a food supplement.  

DISCLAIMER  I've googled all this information, whilst I am now a firm believer that CBD oil is working for me, that's not to say it will work for everyone else.  I don't recommend that anyone else tries it unless you've done your own research first, and please check if it's legal for you to use (whether it contains THC or not) in your own country - if that is important to you.  

I'm feeling quite happy this morning (perhaps that's down to the oil as allegedly helps with mood swings also!), haven't looked out of the window yet (not that I could see anything anyway, it's still very dark) so have no idea what the weather is like, rain is forecast - just for a change!!  It doesn't seem to be cold - oh, that reminds me, we've got a lot of air in our central heating pipes, there was a right noisy racket coming from it yesterday evening.  Husband will have to have a go at bleeding the radiators today, or we'll have to get the engineer in if that doesn't cure the problem.  

I'm going to do a freezer inventory and try to rearrange the big freezer today, it's amazing how quickly it gets messy (I blame husband, he has a tendency to just shove things anywhere there's a gap, meaning I can never find anything when I want it).


  1. I am really, really glad that things are so much better for you and good luck with the freezer inventory. You could come and do mine afterwards (uit's in a right mess) if you like. :-)

  2. Well, the CBD oil certainly seems to work for you - Hooray! Things can only get better. xx

  3. I'm so pleased that you are feeling so much better.

  4. 6 natural sleeps out of 7 for me! I am using Horlicks, never had this happen, hope it continues. Glad you are getting relief.

  5. glad your feeling better, may go do a bit of googling myself!

  6. This is absolutely fantastic news Sooze. I am so pleased for you.
    Fingers crossed your heating gets sorted out quicker than ours.

  7. I'm so glad the oil is working for you. We're all different.

  8. Great news. If we get a good night's sleep then all the other things are better too. Keep trucking Sooze.

  9. I am just glad your pain is lessening and your sleep us improving.

  10. I'm so glad that you're getting a bit of relief, both from your sleepless nights and from the pain, long may it continue. We've had rain here all day today, it's been a miserable day from start to finish, though as you say, it isn't all that cold.

  11. Everything is sounding really positive, hope it continues. It doesn't seem to take long for the freezer to get mixed up. Usually when it's pretty full and I'm just looking for a spot, any spot to shove something else in!!

  12. I'm so glad you're feeling better in yourself, Sooze! xx


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