
Monday 11 November 2019

Really good news for husband

Husband went to the GP this morning to have his latest wee sample tested for infection, having had a 7 day course of a strong targeted antibiotic, followed by 3 weeks of a low dose maintenance one, as instructed by the consultant.  Guess what, he's finally free of infection, for the first time since early April!  I've said all along that the fact that he was only ever prescribed usually a 5 day antibiotic course (sometimes 7, but not very often), followed by a period of 2 or 3 weeks taking no antibiotics, meant that the infection was never cleared up and the break of no meds allowed the bugs to multiply.  I even said it to the GP, who did agree but was more concerned about antibiotic resistance.  What do I know, I'm not a GP! (but seems I was right 😜).

Anyway, the important thing is that it means husband can have his bladder and prostate studies on Wednesday....he wouldn't have been allowed to have them if he still had a UTI.  This is the next step towards him having an operation to clear the blockage in his prostate...finally.  Hooray!!

I'm going on Friday to the same hospital for the ultrasound scan of my abdomen, and internal camera/scan of my womb and ovaries (sounds a bit like filming a pornographic movie! 😲  Hope there's no camera crew, as a (male!) friend suggested 😂😒).  My appointment is at 12, I have to have a full bladder for the abdomen scan and an empty one for the womb exam.....or the other way round, I can't remember which!  I'm also not to eat anything for 6 hours beforehand, which is slightly problematic.  As a diabetic, I'm not supposed to go for too many hours without food or my blood sugar may drop dangerously low, so I'm going to have to get up very early to have some breakfast before 6 am.  I get up early anyway, I'm always up before then, but never usually eat anything until 8 or 9.  Ah well, it's only once, it'll all work out.  At least we can have a quick lunch in the hospital restaurant afterwards.

This week and the tests for both of us have been a long time coming.


  1. So pleased you have some good news.

  2. Ditto to Sue's comment. Onward and Upward.x

  3. Some positive news at last. I hope all goes well on Friday. X

  4. Finally, some good news. So glad that hubby can have his other tests now. I hope your tests give some answers.

  5. That's great news for Hubby. Here's hoping you get some good news about your ongoing problems too. Hope Mum's improving, too. Maybe you've all turned the corner healthwise! Fingers crossed. xx

  6. Great news, hope all goes well for both of you with your test.

  7. That is good news! Fingers crossed for the rest of the week for you both.

  8. That is good news. Hopefully you will both get everything sorted and start the New Year with some hope for a healthy 2020.x

  9. It's so good to have some good news, isn't it?

  10. Hope all goes well for you both. Hugs x

  11. Good to hear that the husband is on the road to being sorted out.

    Now, I'm a surgical nurse. It's the norm to have diabetics fast before surgery. Your blood sugar is checked when you are admitted. It will be checked before you are discharged. If the numbers are out of sync, you will be treated accordingly. Diabetic protocols exist for this reason, just depends on the IV fluids required (if any). If the blood sugar dips too low and their is no IV, it's a simple sort out.

    Good luck on the day

  12. That's fabulous news for hubby.Roll on Friday now so that you can start to get some answers.

  13. Oh, I am breathing a sigh of relief for both of you . Now to see what's up down there. :)

  14. Can't believe how long your poor husband has been sick. Hopefully now he can get some answers and feel better. Maybe things will look up for the both of you soon.

  15. Keeping everything crossed for both of you (bar the eyes)! So good to hear your husband is infection free and long may it continue.

  16. Good news about husband - at long last! I've just had that "double scan". Nothing to it and it's full bladder for external and empty bladder for internal. The worst bit about it was the cold gel and cold stirrups! Lovely! All I can say is keep your socks on!

  17. Hooray, good news at last. Let's hope the new year is better than this one for you both.

  18. Hooray - onward and upward! xx


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