
Wednesday 27 November 2019

NAFLD, OA and other initials lol

I went to the GP for my scans results yesterday.  Firstly, she said that my missing ovary is probably just hiding....she confirmed that they do shrink after menopause and it becomes much more difficult to see them, as they're small to begin with and obviously even smaller after menopause.  She said it would be more concerning if it was enlarged, and the fact that it's not visible is not really significant.  So that's that.

There are no signs of cancer.  I have multiple small gallstones, but I've had them for years, they don't appear to have grown and don't cause me any problems.  However, I do have NAFLD (non alcoholic fatty liver disease), which was first spotted when I had an ultrasound several years ago, at the same time as the gallstones were found.  At the time, the fatty liver was merely mentioned as being something that diabetics frequently have, I was given no real information or advice about it.  According to my GP, however, it's got worse since, to the point where I now have to have regular scans, every 9 months or so.  I also need regular blood tests (I have them anyway) to check my liver function.  She said if the next scan in 9 months shows any further worsening, then I'll need a liver biopsy.

The GP said there's no treatment, but I must lose weight and that in itself should stop any further progression.  If I don't, then I may end up getting liver fibrosis or, worse, cirrhosis.  

I didn't really take it all in whilst she was telling me, but woke up in the night thinking about it and came downstairs and googled, as you do!  And it's scary.  We generally associate cirrhosis with heavy drinkers, and men at that (George Best and Paul Gascoigne spring to mind), I never really knew that you could get it even if you're female and don't drink (I hardly drink alcohol).

There's a new nurse at our practice, I've seen her once and she's quite evangelical and sergeant-majorish about diabetes and weight loss.  The GP has booked me in to see Nurse Rose, she clearly thinks Rose will scare me into losing weight! (Probably just what I need).

I also mentioned my hip and back pain to the GP, first time I've ever told a doctor.  She examined my hips and said it appears I have both osteo arthritis and trochanteric bursitis in my right hip (people normally have one or the other, apparently, but not me to be different!), and simple OA in my left hip (oh well that's alright then haha).  I told her about the CBD oil, she said to carry on with it and see if I get any further improvement....if not, to self refer for physio (she gave me a referral form), at which time I may need xrays and steroid injections.  Once again she said that losing weight will also help with the pain - I'm not stupid, I know that, which is one of the reasons why I've not seen a doctor about my hip pain before.

A lot to take in.  Losing weight is not easy, I've had a weight problem my entire life.  And it's harder during winter when I want rib-sticking stews and dumplings!


  1. Oh Sooze! What a lot to take in. The good news is there's no cancer. As for losing weight, I'm sure, with help from the nurse, you'll lose some weight. At least now you know what's causing the problems and that there is something you can do to help. xx

  2. Some good news and some not so good news but also some very helpful advice to act upon. Is the issue with the liver the cause of the digestive upsets?
    I agree that losing weight is not easy. It took a significant health scare and a necessarily imposed low fat diet to sort me out and even so, I struggle from time to time. But it can be done, even after a lifetime of overweight-ness. Sending you all the vibes and good luck you would like.

  3. Mixed news but it looks like you really do need to lose weight, to save not only your liver but your hips and back. Losing weight is not easy is it but hopefully this is the incentive you need. The only way I lost weight was to put us both on less calories. That way him eating normally didn’t make me fail.

  4. No cancer is a relief. Hope the visit to sergeant major Rose goes well!

  5. Such a relief that there was no real nasties found and it sounds as if all the other initials/itises/ologies are treatable and manageable. Good luck and fingers crossed you can get on with Nurse Rose.

  6. If you felt it would be helpful, I understand you can ask a medical person to refer you to Slimming World and then you get the first 12 weeks free (it's normally £4.95 per week). It may not be for you but it really helped me and I lost almost 6 stones in 16 months with Slimming World. I did it for a hip replacement and even before I had lost the full amount of weight I found a huge improvement in the pain in my hip. I did still need a replacement as it was a severely degraded hip joint due to Osteoarthritis. Losing weight and having the new hip have been the best things I have ever done, and have given me a totally new lease of life. So pleased to hear the other medical news was good.

  7. When I had to lose weight the best advice was to have a smaller plate for food, cut out cooked puddings and have an extra walk.
    Hazel c uk

  8. Thank goodness you don't have cancer but at least you now have some answers.
    Big Hugs-x-

  9. Like Elizabeth I went to Slimming World. It was great, lost just over 7 1/2 stones and never felt hungry. Give it a go Sooze, you won't regret it.

  10. great news its not cancer, and am sure you can crack the weight thing. you just need to find whats right for you.

  11. Glad to hear you've got some answers at last. Losing weight is hard - I'm on a different eating regime at present and it's coming off slowly. Being overweight causes so many problems not just with our joints but also the bits inside which we can't see, as in your liver's case. I wish you luck and hope you get things sorted.

  12. P.S. When you put that photo of you on your blog, in that lovely sparkly cuffed top, I thought you just looked to be of normal build!

  13. Mrs. LH has just said what I wanted to say. I also thought you looked smashing at that photo and not extremely overweight.
    Give it a try Sue and take your time. You can do it. Even if you lose a little bit every week it still adds up in a years time. Some weeks will be easier than others, but that does not matter. Looking forward to your next birthday photo.

  14. Glad to hear that there were some answers and not all bad news. I just had a cortisone shot in my right knee on Monday. I have osteo in my knees, hips, ankle, shoulders and hands. I've had shots in my ankle about every six months for years and it does help. I also know that if I lost weight it would help. I think, for me, trying to lose weight this close to Christmas would be setting myself up for failure but I hope to take the bull by the horns and give it my best shot in the new year. Did the doctor indicate that it was your liver that is giving you all the gut problems? I wish you lots of luck and I'm sure that slowly but surely you'll lose the weight.

  15. Good luck with losing weight. I know that if I dropped some weight my hip and back would improve but it's so hard. Like you I've been large all of my life apart from when I went on diets and got slim, but then it all piled back on again. The problem now is that because of the hip I am not moving so freely and although I'm eating less the weight still isn't going.
    If you succeed you'll have to put some menu's up.

  16. Just catching up with your latest news - I am so pleased there is some positive outcomes from all the scans etc and I am sure you will be able to take on board what your consultant suggests to help the liver condition. Maybe there is something out there like CBD oil that might help either the condition or some weight loss.
    Pleased to hear your mum is coming home again too. x

  17. Good grief, what a lot of 'things', no wonder you have been feeling unwell. I hope that now you have the diagnoses something can be done to get you fixed. Hugs! XOXO


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