
Saturday 10 July 2021

And we're off

 All packed and ready and off we's raining, well showery actually, but who cares.

We're just going to lay the new vinyl flooring in the bathroom today, and then probably do nothing.  If husband feels like doing any more (like decorating the bathroom) then we will, but I don't mind if he'd rather have the weekend off.  He's worked so hard, he deserves some time off.  I've bought him a stack of DVDs from the charity shop, so he'll enjoy watching those.  I've got a pile of books and some magazines, so it'll be feet up and reading for me.  We're having easy ready-cooked meals for our dinners, and Ploughmans for lunches, so no major cooking for me either.  (For overseas readers, a Ploughman's lunch is a plate of cheeses, cold meats or pork pie, with pickles and crusty bread.  Some fruit goes nice with it too, a sliced apple or some grapes eg).

I wonder what Betty will make of her first night in the van?  If she doesn't settle, I'll go and sleep in the lounge with her.  Our neighbours in the vans on both sides of us have all gone home for a few days, so it'll be very peaceful there, I imagine (depending on how many touring vans are there for the weekend).

I may try a short post on my phone tomorrow, otherwise I'll post again when we're home Monday evening.


  1. Have fun
    You deserve it
    So happy for you

  2. Have a lovely restful weekend. You have both certainly earned one after all your hard work.

  3. Have a lovely weekend. Put your feet up and r.e.l.a.x. You've broken the back of the work to be done, the rest can be done at your leisure. xx

  4. Have a good peaceful weekend after all the DIY

  5. Have a brilliant 1st stay in the van, so pleased to read you are almost sorted, you deserve a rest after all your hard work.

  6. How fantastic. Hoping you are having a brilliant time, whatever the weather.

  7. Oh how lovely to have a quiet, peaceful weekend with no close neighbours, just birdsong- even the patter of rain on the roof is soothing, so slow down your pulse rate and relax with magazines and cups of tea.
    Did hubby manage to get the TV sorted and will he be watching The Match? Mind you, that will increase the pulse rate again!
    Enjoy your lovely weekend break; you both deserve to switch off completely.

  8. Good to hear you have finally got to this point - I wish you both (and Betty) a relaxing and enjoyable weekend in your new van - you have made it a wonderful little palace. x


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