
Saturday 3 July 2021

Quick visit

 We nipped to the caravan for an hour this morning - I wanted to see the kitchen, as I wasn't there yesterday, and a couple of things needed finishing off.  Once again when we arrived I was a bit dismayed to see all the mess the boys had left - it looked like we'd had burglars....bits of rubbish, tools, discarded empty packets, screws, unwashed cups, oddments of vinyl flooring and messy bits everywhere.  I tried to keep a lid on it, as the boys did such a good job of installing the kitchen, but it did annoy me, clutter and mess drives me to distraction.  I did say that in future, if he's there on his own, I would like him to tidy up before he comes home, even if he doesn't vacuum.

The kitchen cupboard doors and drawers are all in place now, and husband silicone sealed all around the edges of the worktop.  The vinyl flooring is really lovely, that and the white units have made such a difference to the light in what was a very dark gloomy space before.  We've got a new venetian blind to go up at the kitchen window - we didn't buy it, we actually found it in the bedroom wardrobe, obviously bought by the previous owners and never fitted, for whatever reason, so a few quid saved.

We're not going tomorrow, we need a day at home to do things here.  On Monday, husband needs to finish a couple of things in the van kitchen, whilst I wash down the walls and paintwork in the bedroom, ready for starting to decorate on Tuesday.  It's looking hopeful that we might be able to stay over in the caravan next weekend - fingers crossed.

This little holiday home of ours is really shaping up to be a gorgeous space and I'm so pleased with it, as is husband.  We both feel really content when we're there.  Husband's mate who was there helping him with the kitchen yesterday said it's a lovely place - the park, our plot and the caravan - and thinks we're very lucky.  We are.

Right now there's a lot of emotional stuff going on in my private life, and the caravan is the one thing that's keeping me sane and happy.

1 comment:

  1. So glad it's all coming to fruition for you, despite the mess. I think men have blinkers when it comes to that! I hope the personal stuff soon sorts itself out, then you can relax and enjoy your new holiday home. xx


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