
Friday 5 November 2021

Lunch out, and pretty Betty

 Thank you for all the lovely comments about my cards.....I don't see them as anything special, I just like doing them.  My problem sometimes is when to stop adding more details, or colours, or embellishments - simple is best, quite often.  I'm certainly more into drawing the cards now, rather than making them up with card toppers or added bits.  I just wish my Mum was around to see my drawings, I'm sure she'd be pleased to see I'm following in her footsteps.  Mum was a talented watercolour artist, although we (her 4 kids) didn't know this until just a few years ago - she'd apparently painted in her teens, but then got married and had children and moved around a lot (our father was in the RAF) so gave up painting as she didn't have the time to do it.  She didn't start again until after she'd retired, in her late 60s, when we were all astonished to see just how talented she was.  She liked painting birds, nature and landscape scenes.

Our lunch out was....ok, nothing special.  I had cod, chips and peas - the cod was nice, although the batter was so crisp it literally shattered into 100s of pieces when cut, a bit messy.  The peas were.....peas.  Didn't like the chips much, in fact I only ate one - I like thin, crispy chips, these were huge, fat, soft ones.  Oh well, it was nice to be out and the coffee was ok.  We looked round the shops but I didn't buy anything, nothing took my fancy.  At least I'll enjoy tea - I'm not cooking it for a start, husband is.  We're having scrambled egg (some lovely Burford Brown eggs with deep yellow yolks) and some really nice smoked salmon, on a slice of seeded sourdough toast.

I've got a pile of birthday cards to open tomorrow, and a lovely bunch of flowers arrived today from husband's daughter.  Oh, and a small Amazon box - no idea what's in it as I've not ordered anything, and husband says it's not from him.  I suspect it's probably from my best friend - I'll find out tomorrow!

My hip is really giving me trouble today, although my back's not so bad.  I'm so glad my first osteo session is on Monday, I have high hopes for it giving me some relief.

Betty went to the groomers yesterday and came back smelling lovely, claws clipped, beautiful soft fur and a red chiffon bow tied to her collar, she looked so sweet.  I tried to take a photo but she ran off!  She's always so excited when she comes back from there, she loves going there, they love her and make a big fuss of her.


  1. I'm sorry your hip is still causing you pain. Let's hope the combination of medication and osteopathy helps. I'm sure you've inherited your artistic talent from your Mum. Have a lovely birthday tomorrow.xx

  2. Every step is pain
    I can relate
    Happy happy. Irthday to a great person
    I love your blog

  3. Your cards are beautiful!!!!

    I can relate to the hip pain and add in a bit of lower back pain.

    Happy Birthday.

    God bless.

  4. Have a lovely day on your Birthday Sooze. Would have loved a photo of Betty, perhaps nest time.

  5. Happy, happy birthday to you. Have a wonderful day.

  6. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great day.

  7. Ooohhh I buy Burford Brown eggs - deeeeelicious! Trying to counteract the rising food prices, I changed to another brand of free range eggs but I will return to my lovely brown, orange-yolked eggs - rather have the quality and bugger the expense!
    Sorry that your day out for lunch and shopping was a flop, and that you have hip pain again; I hope tomottow will be a very Happy Birthday with some lovely surprises.
    My Benji is not keen on going to the groomers (though he loves having a bath there) but I take him in the shower to shampoo him in between his trimming appointments and he bounces around, racing from room to room after he is washed and dried. A manic little beast indeed! Then he sleeps for England.


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