
Friday 8 April 2022

Home again and back to reality

 We're home now, unloaded the car, I've put some things away and loaded the washing machine.  We've had a nice week catching up with our caravan neighbour friends, we'll be seeing them again towards the end of the month.  Actually, we'll probably see them one day next week before they go home for Easter, we're going to have a day at the van on Tuesday or Wednesday, whichever day the weather is good.  It's a pity the weather hasn't been better, it was showery on and off all week, with a freezing cold wind and the occasional (very brief) sunny spell - yesterday the wind was gale force and bitingly cold.  So we haven't gone out much, but on the bright side I've read 1 and a half books and done some more crocheting, and hardly thought about the bloody car at all.  (Since getting home an hour ago, whilst I've been unpacking etc, husband immediately put his computer on and started car searching again....ho hum, we have to get another car sooner or later!  Preferably sooner).

I've just rung the surgery for my x-ray results.....apparently there's no sign of arthritis.  Good, I suppose, but it doesn't answer the question of what the hell is going on with my knee then?  There's got to be a reason for the constant sharp pain and the knee collapsing, which it does every day, several times a day.  The GP wasn't seemingly a lot of GPs nowadays, he only works part time, so I have to wait till Monday to see or speak to him.

It was so easy at the beginning of the week to make a snap decision to gather a few things together and go to the caravan for a few days.  What made it easier is that when we were there last month, we'd taken over all the toiletries etc we needed, spare towels and bedding, some tinned and packet food (including tea and coffee), and a complete change of clothes.  And all the batch cooking I'd done and frozen last month meant that I could just grab a few of the ready meals out of the freezer and throw them in the cool box, along with the fresh veggies, bread and milk I'd bought last weekend.  So we were pretty much ready to go in an hour on Monday morning, we didn't have to go shopping when we got there, and I was done unpacking within half an hour of arriving.  Easy peasy.

Before we left just after lunch, I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen whilst husband was loading the car, then finally I vacuumed through - it's always the last thing I do before leaving.

I shall do some more batch cooking this coming week, I'm going to make sure I always have a good stock of ready cooked meals in the freezer to take with us whenever we decide to go to the van for a few days.  Being able to decide on a whim to go to the van is brilliant, and having not much to pack and knowing we don't have to go shopping for a few days makes it even better.


  1. Sounds a lovely few days and as you're all organised there in the caravan, easy to do again!

  2. I think a few days reading and doing your crocheting sounds like a good break form reality. I'm sorry weather wasn't better, but you made the best use of your time.

  3. Knowing what a friend has gone through with a longstanding knee issue, having damaged my own knees in the past, and having no official medical training whatsoever 🤪, I would say you may have a damaged and possibly even detached ligament.

    Not going to hazard a guess as to whether you have done your ACL or PCL but you might find it helpful to Google "knee ligament injury" and see if anything sounds familiar.

  4. PS: Well done for discovering how liberating it is to do batch cooking and have good quality "ready meals" in the freezer. I keep my campervan in the same state of readiness so I can just grab some fresh food & frozen stuff and go with very little forward planning.

  5. How great for you to be able to pack quickly and go on a whim. I hope you find out what's going on with your knee. At least arthritis is ruled out, so that's one thing crossed off the list. You just need to find out how many more possibilities there are on that list! xx

  6. It sounds like you had a wonderful time at the caravan. Great idea on having ready made meals you can pack up and not worry about shopping while you are gone.

    God bless.

  7. It sounds like you have this 'spur of the minute holiday grab and go' thing sussed. It doesn't take long to get in a good routine with it does it.


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