
Wednesday 20 April 2022


 Thanks for all the positive suggestions and comments.....Sue (or rather Lady Sue!) you actually made me laugh!  Jayne, it's a brilliant idea to put something on the gate, we'll definitely look at doing that.

I'm going to try and write some positive things every day, well not necessarily every day (don't want to put that much pressure on myself) but as often as I can, in an effort to stop focusing on the negative stuff.  So here goes.....

1.  Had a visit from my best friend yesterday, first time we've seen each other in a while.  It was lovely.

2.  We've had 2 meals of our first asparagus for this year, I do like asparagus.

3.  Found an online secondhand books firm (MusicMagpie) that had lots of books by one of my favourite authors, Val McDermid.  I've ordered 5 of her books for £10.

4.  Had a nice WhatsApp chat with my siblings.

There, that's a good start.


  1. I'm now humming "Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative..."
    It's a good idea to write down positive things/thoughts, even if it's something as simple as a nice cup of coffee. Too often, we focus on what's gone wrong or irritated us, rather than what's made us smile. Good for you! xx

  2. Happy to help, m'dear.
    Been where you are, but had to get through it on my own.
    No-one should have to do that.

  3. Glad to make you laugh ... you may curtsy now ;-)


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