
Saturday 4 June 2022

Low key bunting, and a drawing

 Thanks so much for all your lovely comments again, bloggers are such a kind lot.  Gill, I hope you manage to find a good site, we looked at loads before we found this one.  I know site fees on the bigger parks are horrendously expensive, luckily the fees here are very reasonable and the owner hasn't put them up this year either - in fact, he apparently hasn't for a few years!

Jubilee celebrations have been very low key here on the park, only a few vans put up bunting.  Here's ours:-

It's very quiet here again, more of the holidaymakers went home this morning, only a couple left and a couple of long term touring vans, plus a handful of fellow static owners.  Just how I like it.

I normally like to draw flowers and trees, but thought I'd have a go at something different - an owl....I've never attempted any kind of animal or bird before, well not a realistic one.  I watched a tutorial online and then had a go, this is the result:-

I'm reasonably pleased with it for a first attempt, I can see where I need to make improvements and do things differently next time.

My mifi internet thingy is in and out like a fiddler's elbow today, it's just taken about an hour to put these photos on.  Can't be bothered with it anymore, so will be switching off now.


  1. I hope you are enjoying your weekend. For a first attempt at drawing wildlife I think you did quite well.

    God bless.

  2. Well done with your drawing - far superior to anything I could do! Your bunting looks lovely, and I hope you have enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations so far.

  3. Your owl drawing is lovely. It's not easy getting a realistic image. I'm glad you're in the head space again, to get back to drawing. Just sit in the garden, under your umbrella, with a cup or glass of something, and sketch away. Forget the world. Bliss! xx

  4. It's so frustrating when the internet isn't playin ball. I love the drawing and I love the bunting too. xx

  5. You have a good eye and hand. I'll probably find some recap tonight of Jubilee activities on YouTube.

  6. Love the owl…you are quite talented…have enjoyed watching the celebration…a nice respite from all going on in the world…


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