
Tuesday 9 July 2024

Star jumps πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

 The nurse - a different, more experienced one - did the blood test successfully, first stab.  In exactly the same place as last week's failed attempt, and the place I pointed out as the best place to try (having had dozens of blood tests over the years).  I'm very thankful I don't have to go back for yet another attempt, it's a nuisance having to continually go there.  I've not had to go to the surgery - well, not for myself anyway - for 7 or 8 months, since before we moved here, seeing the GP a couple of weeks ago for my shoulder was the first time at this new surgery.  And as I'm going on Thursday for my diabetes review, that'll be 4 times in 2 weeks I've been 😦.

Jane, your suggestion of me doing star jumps had me in stitches - I'd probably give myself black eyes (I'm very well endowed πŸ˜‰), dislodge a disc again and break both hips. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But thanks for the idea, it did make me laugh.  I drank 2 glasses of water before going, and rubbed my inner elbows to warm them up, so perhaps those suggestions worked, thank you all.

Sue, you suggested husband using some of the kitchen units in his shed - yes, we'd already thought of that, there are a couple of wall units that would fit in the shed, and possibly even a bit of worktop.  It would certainly help to move some of the clutter up off the floor.  I had suggested months ago that he use a couple of the plastic storage boxes to house some of his stuff but, as usual for him, he never got round to doing I'm glad he didn't, as I can use the boxes for the kitchen contents whilst the new units are being installed.  So a blessing in disguise!

My poor sis is feeling very rough with the Covid, she's got it worse than her husband had.  They've both had it twice now, she said there's a spate of cases going on up there in the Midlands.  Isn't it strange how some people have been unfortunate enough to get it more than once, whereas others (husband and I included) haven't had it at all.  Thankfully, we don't seem to hear of people dying from it now though (well, not in vast numbers anyway, I assume there are still fatalities), so the vaccinations have presumably worked - some people still get Covid, but it seems to be less serious now.  It's sis and BiL's 40th wedding anniversary in 12 days time, I hope she's well enough by then to enjoy it.

What a horrible day it was yesterday, spitting with rain on and off most of the day, then continual rain from dinnertime onwards and through the night.  At least it means we haven't had to water the garden!


  1. Oh, your poor sister and BIL. I hope they recover quickly.
    I'm glad you finally gave up your blood. I imagined you like a dart board! The star jump suggestion made me laugh, too. I pictured you in the waiting room, with everyone watching and wondering...
    Not a bad day here, yesterday, but today it's back to rain. What a wash-out summer it's becoming! Oh, well, we can't do much about it so we'll have to lump it! xx

  2. I chuckled at the thought of star jumps too
    being of the well endowed end of the spectrum. I used to be flat chested so goodness knows where these large lady bumps came from. Glad the blood test went OK. X

  3. So glad for you that the 'vampire' did the job!!

  4. Yes, the 'Star Jumps' suggestion made me hurt all over - and that was just by reading it. I reckon my knees and ankles would disintegrate if I tried them. I'm glad that the blood-taking was successful; I'm sure the warm-up and water did the trick.
    The incessant rain is getting on my wick now; there are garden jobs I need to do. Brambles and nettles obviously love this weather - as do the slugs. Ugh!

  5. So happy she got it on the first jab! When I drew blood, I'd find the vein using an alcohol swab...feel for it then do the stick...never missed in all the time I worked as a nurse.
    Hope your sister and hubby get better soon!

  6. I'm very glad I was able to make you chuckle πŸ˜†πŸ˜† and even gladder that the nurse was successful this time πŸ‘πŸ». I'm deffo not what you'd call an athletic build myself, so I know what you mean about the risk of black eyes πŸ˜‰

  7. I'm glad your blood drawing went well. I've spent a bit of time in hospital the past two years and they have always had to send for the 'vampire' nurse. We had a glorious day here yesterday (Fife) and I managed to get 5 loads of washing on the line for my daughter who lives in a flat with no outside space. It was lovely seeing it on the line in the sunshine. I will admit to being jealous of your garden as I think it is lovely.

  8. So glad the managed this time - experience really does count. I can't do star jumps either - my ankles wouldn't cpe. When we do them in class I do 'half jacks' which is much easier and a bit of a cop out really. ;-) xx


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