
Friday 12 July 2024

Noise and aggro!

 Husband is doing my head in at the minute - well, he has been for the past couple of weeks.  I know there are people who think I should be grateful for the fact that I still have a husband who's alive - I know this because I've had comments on my blog (not published) and even a couple of emails saying so.  Rude!  But the realities of day to day life with someone whose health problems, especially the cognitive decline, are very challenging make things very difficult.  Nobody knows the inside details of what each of us have to deal with, so nobody else is qualified to voice their opinion.

This morning was one giant headache - at around 9 am I was just coming out of the bathroom and heard Betty barking out in the carport, along with voices and husband shouting, so I rushed out to see what was going on.  It was a guy from our Housing Association who was calling (without an appointment, he just turned up out of the blue) to discuss matters to do with our new kitchen.  Betty gets very excited when we have visitors, she barks with excitement and tries to jump up at them - husband is incapable of dealing with her properly and certainly isn't able to calm her down.  In fact, he makes it worse - he simply shouts at her continually, which just fuels her general excitement, he doesn't give her calm, clear instructions either so she doesn't understand what it is she's supposed to do.  And the H/A guy, who apparently has dogs of his own, was laughing and dancing around her, which also added to her excitement.  It was just a cacophony of noise, I felt like yelling "Will you all please just shut up!!". 

The way I deal with a visitor is to not open the door with Betty there for a start, I shut her in another room at first - she whines and barks, but soon calms down, and then she can be let in to greet the visitor, if appropriate - when it's anybody official then I don't, there's no need.

We finally got Betty shut out in the carport and the H/A guy in the kitchen - and then husband proceeded to talk the guy's ears off, laugh and joke and keep butting in when the guy was trying to tell us things.  This is why I continually ask husband to let me deal with important stuff - he just won't shut up for a start, he doesn't let them get a word in, he gets fixated on minor details and keeps on about things which aren't relevant or important.  He confuses them - the guy had come about 2 things, he finished talking about the first thing and then went on to the next, but husband hadn't cottoned on to that and was interrupting with comments about the first thing, confusing the guy totally.  I had to ask husband to let me sort it out.....whereupon he gets in a huff.  Anyway, to cut a long story short, it finally got sorted - but not before I was tearing my hair out.  Once again I've asked husband to leave me to deal with things, to which he agrees....until the next time, when he will have forgotten!  Aaarrrgh!

The upshot of all this is.....the fitters are coming to start installing the new kitchen on Tues 27 August, bank holiday week.  Husband said he would take me to the caravan the day before and leave me and the dog there, and he'd come back here to stay and oversee things.  Tempting as that sounds for me to have a few days in the caravan by myself with the dog (peace!!), there's no way I'll agree to that - he'll just get in their way, talk at them constantly, interfere and possibly change decisions - or try to anyway - (about placement of units etc) without asking me.  He tried to change something this morning, telling the H/A guy he wants the electrics fuse box thingy (which they're coming to change to a more updated one in a couple of weeks) moved to a different location.  Firstly, I don't suppose it's possible without extra works and I doubt they would agree to that, and secondly, where he wanted it put would mean shelves would have to be moved too!  And he just announced this without thinking it through or even asking me.  It's not happening, I vetoed that, it's fine where it is. ๐Ÿ˜’

So this afternoon, once I've done all my jobs, I shall just sit in my bedroom with the door closed....there are a few things I want to check out on the internet, and I want to do some's very calming.


  1. Oh, Sooze, I do feel for you. It's like banging your head against a wall. (I bet you'd like to bang someone's head against a wall at times, too!) Letting your husband oversee the kitchen installation isn't a good idea. Apart from anything, you wouldn't be able to relax, wondering what ideas he's trying to implement to "improve" things. Either both of you stay, both of you go to the caravan or you and Betty stay and husband goes alone to the caravan. I know the last option isn't really an option. You'd hate the noise and mess and Betty would be beside herself trying to "help". Anyway, enjoy some quiet time - before you pull all your hair out! xx

    1. Exactly that, K, you've got it right there. Thanks xx

  2. Sooze you could be describing Tony so I totally understand your frustration..

  3. I know exactly what you mean Sooze, it's a nightmare isn't it.

  4. On a nice day, wouldn't it be possible to take Betty for a walk to a park or other green space, take a packed lunch and drink, and water for Betty? Then you could sit on a bench for a couple of hours, watch the world go by and chill. Bliss.

  5. I think I would be packing Alan off to the caravan with the dog and I would stay and just grit my teeth through the renovations, as I did through all the building work when we had the Welsh house, although Alan was working away not relaxing in a caravan. If you went to the caravan as well you could give the workmen your mobile number in case there are any queries whilst you are away, which might be an even better way of doing it.

  6. I would send hubby off to the caravan alone...and keep Betty with me...and get some rest...<3

  7. I hated having my new kitchen fitted and was near breaking point by the time they finished... I don't deal well with noise or having people in the house, and there was a lot of both! I feel for you with your husband's behaviour. I do think men change as they get older, but with your husband's cognitive decline aswell it must be very difficult indeed.

  8. You have my sympathy! It can be a right 'mare, can't it. And you're quite right not to leave your husband alone with the kitchen fitters - heaven only knows what you'd come back to ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

  9. Oh dear, you definitely have my sympathy. I would not leave my husband alone with the kitchen people either.

    God bless.


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