
Monday 15 July 2024

So now I have a plan

 Change of plan - we're not going into town today as we have a yellow warning for heavy rain most of the day.  Tomorrow the forecast is much better, for most of the week in fact, so we'll go to the blinds shop tomorrow.

I was a bit reluctant to start sorting out the kitchen cupboards last week, before we knew the date the kitchen fitting will start - or in fact whether it would even be this year.  Now we know it's going ahead on the 27 August - 6 weeks time - so I now have a timeframe to work to, which is good.  So I know the freezer contents have to be eaten within that time, as the freezer and fridge will be going outside in the car port.  There is power supply out there, but I'd rather not have food left in the fridge and freezer outside whilst we're away, other than milk for the workmen.  We did our big shop on the 3 July, getting quite a bit of frozen food, so the freezer is currently just over half full - it won't be a problem to ensure we use up all of the freezer stuff in the coming 6 weeks.  I also need to make a few meals to freeze for us to take to the caravan - we have a fridge with an icebox there, the icebox is large enough to take 3 or 4 frozen meals plus some veg.

So I'll be doing a freezer inventory today, and planning meals to use up all the contents.  I'll also now be able to start emptying the kitchen cupboards of things we don't use much, storing them in the big plastic lidded boxes we kept from the house move.

We had a really nice calm and peaceful weekend, the village fete on Saturday and a lovely walk along the length of the promenade at Blue Anchor bay yesterday, followed by coffee in our favourite cafe outside on the terrace facing the sea.  I'm feeling invigorated and ready to get on with the week.  

I bought a net of lemons that were reduced to half price last week, I think I might make some lemon curd and a lemon drizzle cake.


  1. It's always soothing to have a plan, I find ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Glad to hear you had such a nice weekend, it deffo sets you up for the week ahead!

  2. 6 weeks gives you plenty of time to sort yourself out and reduce the freezer stock. Nice not to have to rush! A nice, warm sunny day here today, but rain forecast for later, so I need to get the grass cut. It's been so cold and wet lately, the grass is so now long, it's getting beyond a joke! xx

  3. I love lemon curd, good you've got the caravan, we lived in our lounge for the whole time.

  4. Glad you have a peaceful weekend. We love that cafe at Blue Anchor too. Last time we went, it was too cold to sit out and we had to smile as there was a lady surreptitiously feeling her dog bits of her food under the table. We do that too :-) Six weeks is good notice to sort your kitchen out. Good news that you have the caravan to stay in.

  5. Lemon curd and lemon drizzle cake sound like a brilliant way to use up a net of lemons.

  6. Send me some curd w/cake. Dang , I love a good lemon curd.

  7. Lovely to have a date for the start of your new kitchen. And lemon curd - mmmm, lovely stuff. xx


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