
Sunday 14 July 2024

Getting organised for the new kitchen

 Husband didn't go to the boot sale yesterday - I remembered the village fete was on, so we went to that instead.  It's a proper old-fashioned village fete.....lots of old tractors and motorbikes to look at, sheep shearing, skittles, archery, quite a few local artisan crafters, stalls selling produce, bread and cakes (I didn't buy any).  A band of middle aged musicians playing folk-type music, Morris dancers, a drinks bar, tea/coffee and cake/pasties.  It was very well attended, very busy in fact.  We didn't stay too long, but had a good look round, it was a pleasant way to pass an hour.  Saw a couple of people we knew and had a chat.

We're having a quiet restful weekend, the weather's a bit hit and miss but we plan on going for a beach walk this afternoon if it doesn't rain.  Hopefully, it won't be too busy as people might be staying home to watch the men's tennis final and getting ready for the football final - neither of us has any interest in them.

Only got a couple of appointments this coming week, so we might pop off to the caravan just for a day.  We'll have another go at trying to get the van TV sorted - I'm not convinced that husband just taking the home Freesat box (with the correct cable!) and fitting that will solve the problem, especially not if he thinks it's the aerial.  There is a satellite dish on the roof (previous owners put it there) but we have no idea if that works, so I would have thought he'd need to test that first, as the Freesat box works off the satellite - apparently - I know nothing about it!  The van TV currently works off a roof aerial - or it used to, before it stopped working.  I just know that he'll need to get the TV working before we go and spend a week or 2 there at the end of August, when the kitchen is being fitted.  He may need to end up getting someone in to have a look at it.

We're going into town tomorrow to look in a shop which does vertical blinds, to get a quote for supply and fitting for the kitchen window.  Husband did say he'd fit them, but I think not - he's never fitted vertical blinds before, and it'll probably end in disaster - he'll have to stand on the kitchen worktop to fit them and I don't even want to think about the potential for damage....either to himself or the worktop.  Also, his hands shake, he loses his balance easily and gets very confused, so we'll be having the professionals fit them.  They'll come and measure up first - it's a big wide window and I'd rather they did it to get an accurate measurement.  We'll arrange to have them fitted once the kitchen fitting and decoration is done.

We had cod and chips from the fish shop for dinner yesterday - it was absolutely delicious (Betty liked hers too, licked her dish clean), but it didn't half give me gut trouble later on in the evening.  Too many carbs I expect - upsets my stomach and makes my skin very itchy (a diabetic thing caused by raised blood glucose after a carby meal).

My sister has now tested negative for covid but is still feeling the effects, albeit easing up a bit, thank goodness.  She was very poorly for a couple of days and couldn't even get out of bed, but is now up and about.  


  1. I hope you can get the TV working. I know your husband will be like a bear with a sore head if it isn't! Like the kitchen blinds, sometimes it's best to get someone in who knows what they're doing!😁
    I'm glad your sister is finally coming out of her Covid illness. It's easy to think it's all over, but I fear, like flu, it's with us forever. xx

  2. Good luck with the TV and I agree 100% regarding having the blinds professionally fitted.
    Al the best to your sister - she really has had a battering, hasn't she? Was she a bit run down already, before it started? xx

  3. I hope you can get the television working. Yes, Freesat works off satellite and Freeview works off an aerial. We switched to Freeview when we moved here.
    Definitely get the blinds professionally fitted, we did in our rental flat in Wales and now Alan has vertical blinds on all of his windows in the house. The measurements of a four bedroom, two bathroom house took about half an hour by a professional and then the fitting of Alan's whole house took less than two hours by the same guy a few days later. He loves them.


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