
Saturday 20 July 2024

The only time I wish for rain!

 It was unpleasantly hot and humid here yesterday, really sticky, both Betty and I suffered - she was moping around listlessly....well, so was I really, muggy weather just makes me feel ill.  Despite that, I still slept pretty well, although Betty was quite restless and woke me up a few times.  When I got up this morning it was sunny on and off, in between fast-moving clouds, there's a (very warm) breeze blowing.  It's still unpleasantly muggy, but heavy rain is forecast from about 11.00 this morning until mid evening, so I'm hopeful it'll get fresher.

I hope it's not going to be really hot when we're staying in the caravan whilst the kitchen is being done.  We've got 2 electric fans there and a gazebo for the garden, but when the outside temperature is around the 30 deg mark, it does get unpleasantly hot.  We'll just have to manage when the time comes, even if we have to go out somewhere to find a nice shady spot (in the middle of a wood, perhaps!  Or the beach if there's a breeze blowing, so long as we can find some shade).

We've got nothing on this weekend - not that we'd be going anywhere in heavy rain anyway.  Next week we have 4 appointments on the calendar - husband has the dentist for a tooth extraction (must remember to cook something soft that he doesn't have to chew - fish pie perhaps).  We also have an electrician coming to fit a new fuse box, and a different one the next day to fix the bathroom electric fan which has never worked.  Then the guy from the window blinds shop is coming to measure up the kitchen window and show us some samples.

Has the global IT problem affected you?  It's not really been a problem for us, except that husband couldn't contact the GP surgery yesterday, he was supposed to ring for an update on whether they'd been able to get hold of one of his heart meds (there's an ongoing supply problem) - all their computer systems were down.  And this morning when we popped out, I noticed I had no internet on my phone, although it's fine here at home (it connects to our home wifi, which seems to be unaffected).  Other than that, no problem - our online banking is fine, as are our internet and TV.  I don't understand exactly what the problem is, other than apparently it's something to do with a security update, but it's a bit scary that it can affect so many things and have widespread global impact.  It does make you think about how much we rely on the internet nowadays - however did we manage years ago?!

I'm pleased to say my sister's more or less recovered from her bout of Covid, just in time for their 40th anniversary tomorrow.  They're having some friends round for a BBQ, I shall have a video chat with her in the morning.


  1. It's a bit humid and muggy here, but not too bad. It was hot yesterday though. We're never happy are we?🌞🌧❄
    I'm glad your sister is feeling better. It does take longer to shake off these bugs as we get older!
    We didn't seem to have any problems with the outage, but it is a bit scary. At least it wasn't malicious, but who knows? xx

  2. It's definitely cooler today, our dog was panting going to bed although I had windows open upstairs. Our DIL was affected by the IT problem as all her work is computer based so she was unable to do much. One Grandaughter's flight from Palma into Bristol was delayed by four hours but she was able to keep in contact with us via text to collect her. Then her sister who works for Tui phoned to say her plane was in the air and gave us an arrival time. Thank goodness for air con in the car.
    Glad your sister is feeling better and able to celebrate their wedding anniversary tomorrow.

  3. No problems here with the internet crash.

    I am glad your sister feels better.

    God bless.

  4. It was very sticky here yesterday... I was done in by the time I'd walked into town and back. Its fresher today and wasn't too bad for sleeping last night. I hope your sister and her husband have enjoyed their anniversary celebration.

  5. Our work computers were out of action for the day, mostly as we were advised not to attempt to use them for security reasons, so lots of paperwork got done instead (well, maybe just a bit of paperwork). I didn't need any shopping and even if I had have I am using mostly cash these days. This highlights how much cash is still needed in society doesn't it, and hopefully will stop more companies going over to card only payments.

    I'm glad to hear that your sister has recovered.


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