
Friday 19 July 2024

Yuck and luck!

 Yesterday late morning I went out in the garden to do some pruning and dead-heading, but didn't stay out there very long.  Not because it was too hot - it was pretty warm and humid, but there was a gentle warm breeze to temper the heat.  No, what sent me scuttling back indoors was the flying ants - hordes of them, including some quite big ones, several landed on me - YUCK!!  I have no idea if they bite, but didn't want them crawling all over me regardless, I often have bad reactions to bites so wasn't going to take any chances.  

Sue, you said our bungalow keeps getting better and better - it certainly does, and I still keep thinking it's all a dream and I'll be waking up soon!  Our previous house used to get stiflingly hot during the summer, especially upstairs - the coolest part of the house was underneath the stairs (which is where Betty's cage bed was, no wonder she liked it in there).  Here though, the place stays cool all the time, even on the (rare, odd) days when it's been pretty hot outside.

The contract gardeners were round yesterday, cutting all the front lawns - they're very conscientious and tidy, sometimes they collect the grass mowings, sometimes they leave them as mulch.  Once they've finished mowing and strimming, they come round with leaf blowers to clear all our paths.  They also trim hedges and clear up after themselves.  I know we pay a monthly service charge which includes an amount for the gardeners, but we're very pleased to have this service included - saves us a lot of work.  There are so many benefits to living here, I've said it before and will say it again - we really appreciate how lucky we are.

K, I meant to say re your suggestion (jokingly, I know!) that I open a restaurant - not blimmin likely, owning or even working in a professional kitchen must be one of the most stressful jobs going (just look at Gordon Ramsay!!).  And your 'jobs fairy' comment really made me laugh - I think I might use that in future when husband grumbles when I ask him to do something....."Sorry dear, the jobs fairy is on strike" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ

Jane, I didn't even know I could draw until 4 or 5 years ago - I'd never done any drawing since art classes at school, and I don't recall being very good at it then.  Or even liking it much.  My mum was quite a talented water colour artist (something we didn't know until late in her life) and my sister is very artistic and creative - she makes soft furnishings and fabulous collages.  I think everyone has at least one talent - yours is obviously embroidery and darning!!  Now, I hate sewing of any kind, even sewing on a button is a huge chore for me and I seem to be continually stabbing my fingers πŸ˜‚


  1. Glad I made you laugh, Sooze. I think most of us recognise the jobs fairy! Your bungalow is just perfect for you. Having the gardeners to do the front certainly makes life easier. I hate flying ants, too. They just suddenly appear, don't they? I'm not sure if they bite, either (bet they do!) but I don't want to find out!
    Your comment about sewing made me laugh. I like sewing. My daughter and SIL are huge footie fans, and have asked me to make a quilt out of my GS's footie kits. I'm surrounded by bits of material, making a crazy quilt top which I'll stitch onto a fleecy blanket. I've no idea what I'm doing and it's a bit like trying to do a 5000 piece jigsaw with no idea what the picture is! So maybe I don't like sewing anymore, it gives me a headache!🧡πŸͺ‘🀣 xx

    1. Blimey K, that would give me more than a headache! They'll love it though - what a good idea. xx

  2. I sometimes think our talents choose us when we least expect them to appear. You have a green thumb, me not so much, even though I really love flowers.

    God bless.

  3. I chuckled over the job fairy comment too - but how true it is.
    Flying ants - urgh. They've been a bit active round here too, horrid little things. xx

  4. I used to HATE 'flying ants day' when I had the polytunnel, it was always a couple of days where I left all the doors open and let them either find their way through, out and away and I did not work in there at all. They are horrible aren't they.


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