
Thursday 11 July 2024

All good

 I went for my diabetes review this morning - it was 6 months overdue actually, as the last one fell due as we were in the throes of moving house, and packing up/unpacking and getting settled here was obviously much more important.  I have had a couple of reminders, but just haven't got round to it until now.  Anyway, all is fine, my HbA1c (blood glucose level) has gone down into acceptable levels, and my weight has dropped 10lbs since I was last weighed.  All my other bloods results were also fine, so the nurse was happy.  My cholesterol has gone up very slightly, I was again offered statins and again declined.

My painful shoulder is also less painful and more manoeuvrable, the cold packs must have lessened the inflammation and the exercises (erm, when I remember to do them) must be helping.  So if and when I finally get the physio referral from the hospital, I may not need to go by then.

Both husband and I forgot to collect our monthly repeat prescription meds from the GP this morning - I wouldn't expect husband to remember, but I should have done!  Never mind, we'll have to pop out and get them tomorrow, it's not like the surgery is miles away.

It's a nice day today, I've been in the garden and done some weeding and dead-heading.  I was having a good look around the garden and noting which plants haven't done very well....e.g. the everlasting sweetpea just isn't growing, it seems to have come to a halt at about a foot high.  The replacement lupin I bought is also now struggling, having had one really lovely flowering spike, the next 2 seem to be dying off without the buds opening.  The hostas all struggled initially and are only now getting going - a couple have had one flower spike before even the leaves have really started to fill out.  All of our tomato plants are being extremely slow, some are flowering but with relatively few flowers actually, none have fruit as yet.  Cherie, you described one of yours as having an extremely thick and odd-looking stem - well, so has one of ours, one of the seeds you sent us, the leaves are also curling up.  We bought 6 new strawberry plants in early Spring, 2 each of 3 varieties - none fruited at all, although the plants look healthy and are sending out runners.  Perhaps they'll do better next year.  The mini cucumbers, courgettes (green and yellow) and carrots are all doing very well, we're picking them almost daily.  We'll probably be emptying one of the potato bags at the weekend, none of them have flowered but neither have our neighbour's and he's just harvested some of his, they've produced quite a lot without flowering.  So it's a bit of a mixed bag in the garden - some good successes, some failures.  Probably to do with the very inconsistent weather.

We only have 2 appointments on the calendar for next week, and the weather looks as though it's improving, so we may be able to go off to the caravan for a few days at the end of next week.


  1. So happy for you. I have tried to reply on my Iphone and Ipad...trying laptop...this seems to work. I am so glad you like your home...and like going to your summer home. As to the statins, well...when I turned 60, I was at about 100 pounds plus miles a day...vegetarian strict...water all the time...teaching high school and university...just finished my Master' doctor said if I didn't do them I might not...Mother died age one in my family lived out of 60's...also BP was high for some reason...thus...I kept saying NO NO NO...I trusted this doctor...I went on both...and I am here to say at almost 77, the statins and BP meds saved my life...I have done everything one does to work on Cholesterol and BP...I have come to realize that much is genetic...I continued, despite the horrible pain I live in from bone walk miles daily, vegetarian...have not wavered...tons of name it...I do it...I do not weigh 100 anymore, but not that much more...I am small first stroke was at 26...and several after...thus, I am the greatest admirer of the statis and BP meds...I believe it was meant to be that they were "invented" to save such as I am...this is not to influence you...this is to give you an opinion of a woman who admires you is not my do not need me to interfere in what YOU BELIEVE...I was like that for so many years--ten at least...and surprise...recently this new doc here in FLORIDA said I have lowest Cholesterol in ages...what have I done...not one thing differently...same meds...same diet...same what is the answer? Who knows...I know this: I have lived a long time and am going for 100...thank you for your delightful of the few I still read...

  2. Good for you keeping your diabetes under control. My husband has taken statins for years with no side effects, but I think I'd still be reluctant. ( I hate taking any medication, even paracetamol for a headache!) My cholesterol is raised but no-one's mentioned statins - yet.
    Could you send some of your nice weather my way? It's not exactly tropical here, and threatening to rain. I guess your plants are finding this erratic weather a struggle, too. Oh, for some warm, sunny, DRY days! xx

  3. Our garden is very slow this year as well. Our potatoes started to flower and then the hail came.... No longer flowering at all.

    You are doing a great job keeping your blood glucose down. Congratulations.

    God bless.


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