
Tuesday 23 July 2024

2 down, 2 to go (and messy bugger)

 Two appointments today done and dusted, two more tomorrow.  The man came this morning to fix the bathroom electric fan, I don't know what was wrong with it but he fixed it in about 5 minutes and it's now working as it should.  Because he came this morning (the fan fix was one of those annoying all day appointments, fortunately he came about 10.30), I was able to go with husband when he went for his dental appointment - his dentist is in Bridgwater, 45 mins away.  Husband didn't need me with him, but there's an Aldi in Bridgy (there isn't one near us) and I wanted a few things from there.  Husband was having a tooth out which has been giving him pain for several weeks - the last time he went to the dentist, the dentist said it didn't need taking out!  I think I would have been inclined to say "Well it's not in your mouth, it's in mine and it hurts like hell".  Whereas husband's had to have another visit, at another cost, to have the offending tooth extracted 😒.  The tooth had broken, apparently, as had the one next to it, so husband ended up having 2 out, and the gum stitched.  Ouch!  He won't be eating much this evening.....He took painkillers an hour before he went, and will have another 2 shortly.

Tomorrow we have another electrician coming to change our domestic fuse box for a new modern one (the one here is old) - it's a morning appointment, although no time given.  We also have the guy coming to measure up our kitchen window for the vertical blinds, and show us some samples, that's a 4 pm appointment.  I expect he'll be late, there's a very popular country show on a couple of miles away from us and everyone will be leaving round about then, so the roads will be rammed.  Doesn't matter if he is, no bother to us.

We'll be going out for a couple of hours whilst the electrician is here - we've been told the job will take 4 or 5 hours and the electricity will be switched off for that time, so we may as well take a picnic (and something for Betty) and go to our favourite beach - where we can also get a coffee.

Husband's table manners leave a lot to be desired (I blame his parents, no more to be said about that 😒) - let's just say he's a messy eater.  This morning he had crumpets for breakfast and dripped melted butter down the front of his polo shirt.  Conscious of the fact that he was going out to the dentist (if he'd been staying home he wouldn't have been bothered), he changed into a clean one.  He wanted a 'decent lunch' - his words, meaning a substantial one as he knew he wouldn't be up to eating much later - so cooked himself a triple decker bacon and 2 egg toasted sandwich.  And promptly dripped both fat and runny egg yolk all down his clean top 😒, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  He needs a bib!

He's just said he might be able to manage a bit of lukewarm fish pie later....I wonder where that'll end up, he'll run out of clean clothes at this rate 😂😂 (honestly, you have to have a sense of humour!).


  1. I can sympathise with your husband on the dribbling food front. I'm always missing my mouth! I hope his mouth isn't too sore and he can eat his lukewarm fish pie!
    I hate those "sometime between 8am and 6pm" appointments. I always try now to get some idea of the time, even if it's a 2 hour slot. At least you then have some idea! Not always possible though.
    Once all this work on the bungalow is done, you'll be able to sit back and enjoy it. I hope we get some photos of the new kitchen. Pretty please! xx

  2. A stitched gum - ouch! On the plus side, mouth tissue heals very quickly so, with luck, your husband will soon be back to normal eating 😁. My husband is a rather messy eater, too. He also eats ridiculously quickly, which drives me mad! No wonder he gets indigestion 🙄🙄 Having a modern fuse box will be great - we had ours changed a few years ago and it all looks so much clearer and better. Plus, if there's a fault, the new ones cut off the electricity so fast that there is hardly any risk of an electrical fire. So that's all good 👍🏻

  3. I think the thing to do with husbands is to laugh at their most annoying traits, otherwise we would be crying most of the time. 😄 My younger son is a messy eater and he always seemed to be wearing white t-shirts when eating red pasta sauce!!

  4. Ooh, ouchy dental work, hope the pain eases soon.

    I think he could do with one of those:

  5. They do like to preserve teeth if possible, don't they. Ouch for your poor hubby!
    Sauce gets everywhere - the brighter and harder to wash out, the easier it splashes - it's a conspiracy!!! lol


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