
Monday 22 July 2024

Town becomes a no-go area for residents in summer

 I didn't post yesterday because there was nothing much to write about.....not much today either actually.  

We didn't have continual rain on Saturday, but there were a few heavy showers throughout the afternoon and evening, so we stayed indoors.  Yesterday was the first day of a new boot sale opening for the season - well, I say new, the boot sale has actually been going for a few years apparently, but yesterday was their opening date for this year.  As it wasn't raining (cloudy with sunny spells, bit windy, much less humid) we decided to go and have a look.  Well, there weren't many sellers there and it only took us a few minutes to walk round....I expect it'll get bigger as word spreads.  We didn't buy anything.  Other than that it was just a quiet day at home.  I cooked dinner - not a roast for a change....husband had spare ribs in bbq sauce, I had fresh salmon.  I roasted our homegrown carrots and courgettes and we had brown rice with seeds on the side.

Today I'm doing a salmon, veg and noodle stir fry - there were 2 pieces of salmon in the pack.  On a side note, hasn't the price of salmon gone up?  Along with everything else!  Unfortunate, as salmon is my favourite fish.

I need to go to the library today, my books are due back - I've already renewed them online once and have only just finished reading them, I don't do as much reading nowadays and I seem to read slower as well - and when I read in bed, which I've done for years before putting the light out, I now find I drop off after only a chapter or 2.  In years gone by, I'd been known to carry on reading for hours if it was a good book.

As I said before, we have a busy week with 4 appointments, they'll all be finished by Thursday afternoon and no more then until Tuesday of next week, so we could go to the caravan for the weekend.  I'll see how we feel and what the weather's like come the end of the week.  As the school summer holidays start this week, it may well be busier at the caravan park.  It'll certainly be a lot busier in the town here, we'll be doing shopping first thing in the morning and keeping out of the town during the days.  The beaches will be much busier too.  That's the downside of living in a tourist area, particularly one with a huge holiday camp and lots of holiday caravans and cottages.


  1. I've bought the occasional pack of salmon, and yes it has gone up in price, but the tinned red salmon in Aldi has stayed the same for years, still at £2.49 for a large can. I know as I look at it every time I go in, I was advised two years ago to start eating lots more tinned fish as it's good for your bones so I bought a few cans. Then Alan told me the price was going to go up so I kept buying four more tins every time I went shopping ... only the price never went up. Still, it's come in really useful for this year as I have a huge supply of tinned salmon and tuna to work my way through. There must be about 10 tins of salmon and the same of tuna left in my cupboard.

    I like to get any shopping out of the way first thing in the morning during the school holidays as well, while the shops are nice and quiet. And I rarely go into town on market day as all the holiday makers come in and make it really busy, fill the car parks and all the cafes ... I'm not complaining really the town needs their custom ... I just like it when it's nice and quiet.

  2. Another one who likes the quiet. We had to go into town about lunchtime the other day and it was much busier than we like. Mind you, the businesses need the custom, so mustn't grumble! Haven't eaten fish for decades, so no idea how much it is, but everything seems to go up in price. Do you remember the "olden days" when prices were printed on the boxes of tea etc. Prices stayed the same for years. Now we're lucky if they stay the same from one week to the next! xx

  3. I thought it was going to be busy in town today as the car park was the fullest I've ever seen it. Strangely, it wasn't busy at all so I've no idea where everyone had gone!

  4. I'm ditto with books. However engaging the story is, I fell asleep quickly unlike my younger days!
    Totally agree re the salmon prices. I try to look out for specials and stock up then. Sometimes I can get a whole piece and cut it myself into more frugally sized slices. xx


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