
Wednesday 17 July 2024

A lovely day

 We've had such a nice day, we've been at the caravan all day, arrived home about an hour ago.  It's been really quite warm, fortunately in spurts, not all day long.  I had the fan going for Betty, although she'd only lie in front of it for 10 minutes or so, before going out in the garden for 10 mins, then coming back inside!  I replenished her bowl with fresh cold water throughout the day, to keep her hydrated - she does drink it often.

We met our new van next door neighbours this morning, a very nice retired couple, I'm sure we'll get on just fine with them.  There were several other friends there, so lots of chatting done.  We did do some work as well - husband cut the grass whilst I pruned and weeded and watered.  The geraniums are looking fab, they're such good plants to have, they put on a beautiful show of flowers and, because they come from a hot country, they don't mind not being watered whilst we're not there.  Great value for money and needing next to no maintenance.

I did a written inventory of the tinned & packet food, dog food, cleaning supplies and toiletries, so I know exactly what we need to take next time to replenish stocks.

Husband emptied the first bag of our home grown new potatoes yesterday, here's what we had:-

A good haul for just one bag, we've got another 4 bags to go.  

And here's a little lavender drawing I did the other day, it'll be a notelet for my sister probably:-

It's nice to get back into drawing again, I'd got out of the habit.  


  1. What a lovely day. I'm glad your new neighbours are nice. That looks like a good haul from your bag of potatoes. I bet they taste so much better than shop bought! Your sister is going to love the lavender picture. It's been years since I did any art. I used to love it, but it's a habit I've got out of, too. I've got all the gear, I just need the impetus! xx

  2. That sounds like a fab day all round! 😄 It's great that you have nice new neighbours. I love the card - I can't draw to save my life, so I'm envious of that talent 😆 But I can embroider, and my darning is a work of art, lol! 😉

  3. No more concerns about the new van neighbours; I'm glad you have now met them and they seem a nice couple. It turned out to be a lovely day, with some stuff taken in advance of your longer stay while the new kitchen is being installed, several others on site to chat to and a chance to make an inventory so as to know what else might be needed when you next visit. I love the lavender card - will you be taking your drawing/painting things with you for the longer stay? I hope you are able to make more use of the caravan this year if the weather continues to improve.
    - Rosemary x

  4. A very good day, and those potatoes look lovely. :-)

  5. I'm so glad your new van neighbours are so nice. It will make your visits even more pleasant.
    And those spuds - wow! A great haul. xx


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