
Wednesday 10 July 2024

A productive day

 Thank you for all the comments, as usual.

In the past when I've had some of the numerous blood tests (being diabetic and having a mild congenital liver condition means I have them regularly), I've occasionally been left with some quite spectacular bruises on my arms.  This is usually as a result of the nurse having to wiggle the needle around a bit inside my arm, either because she missed the vein or it collapsed mid-flow.  Sounds a bit gruesome but in reality it's nothing really, doesn't bother me.  This time however, almost no bruising at all.  Well done that nurse!

Husband did some work out in the carport yesterday, he's moved the fence he put up outside the back door to keep Betty from running off into the road when the kitchen door is opened.  We discussed it and decided it would be better running widthways across the whole of the carport, rather than just a small area outside the door.  Now it's a much bigger area which means we can get more stuff out there - the plastic boxes of kitchen stuff, e.g., and my washing airers - it was a tight squeeze having them out there in the smaller fenced in space.  We'll also be needing room for the upright freezer to go out there, once the new kitchen is fitted and we've bought a new combined 50/50 fridge freezer.  That's assuming the old freezer is still working by then.  Oh, and one of you readers (I'm sorry, I forget who) suggested the freezer might use a lot of electricity if it is on the way out - a valid thought....however, our electricity here is dirt cheap so it's not a concern, thank you anyway.

I did a few pottering jobs in the house yesterday - sorting out a couple of drawers in my bedroom, putting things away in the lounge and kitchen that somehow or other, by the other occupant of this house (not me!) get used or moved and left lying about (he never puts anything away....other than shopping when I don't want him to! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜’).  I did a menu plan for the next 7 or 8 days, and made a double lot of cauli and broccoli cheese - half for last night's dinner, along with salmon parcels, the other half frozen for another time.  Played with Betty for a while - she was in a playful mood and needed some stimulation.  Sorted out a load of washing to go on first thing this morning.  And then sat and did some drawing in the afternoon, I'll do a show and tell when it's finished.

I've been sleeping so well lately, which is such a novelty after being an insomniac my entire life.  It's quite rare now for me to have a disturbed night - amazingly.


  1. It really was a good move, wasn't it? You sound so much happier and relaxed and now you sleep well - win, win! xx

  2. Sleep is the foundation of living a good life, I am so glad you are resting better.

  3. So glad your sleep patterns are so much better - it helps so very much. xx

  4. Having a good night's sleep makes the world of difference doesn't it, I'm glad you are getting it now.

  5. A good sleep makes so much difference doesn't it

  6. Agree to all above comments. You being happy makes me happy too.


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