
Wednesday 24 July 2024

More appointments done and dusted

 Hahaha!  Annabeth, that adult bib in the style of a bow tie/dinner jacket did make me laugh!  Especially as husband has never owned or worn a DJ in his life.

The electrician turned up at 08.45, just as well we're early risers.  The 4-5 hours we were told it would take was a bit optimistic - it was nearly 6 hours.  He was a very nice and conscientious young man, only just qualified (last week, apparently!) - which, although it meant he didn't have years of experience, did mean that he's bang up to date with all the current regs.  It wasn't so much changing over the old fuse box thingy to the new one that took the time - it was all the testing he had to do afterwards.  He tested, individually, every single socket, light fitting, electric smoke alarms (7 of them), the careline thing, electric fan vent things, in every single room, and the car port.  All that took the most time, although of course it's part of the job, particularly as it's sheltered housing - must make sure everything is in full working order.  And it obviously meant some of the furniture had to be moved - which he did.  He also went up into the loft space several times.

We went to Blue Anchor bay for a couple of hours, leaving him to get on with the job (husband was talking the guy's ears off, so it would have taken him even longer to finish if I hadn't got husband out of the way 😉).  Not sunny at all but not cold, quite humid in fact, despite being the seaside.  No wind at all, the sea was flat as a pancake - sadly, as I much prefer to see waves crashing onto the beach.  No chance of walking on the beach though, the tide was well and truly in and was lapping against the promenade wall.  Lots of fishermen along the promenade, none of them were having any luck though, not one caught a single fish whilst we were there - I assume they need a rougher sea to bring the fish in.  Once back home we had some lunch and sat in the garden.....sitting out there chatting with husband gave me the opportunity to have a good look round the garden and work out what needs doing now (lots of weeding, deadheading, pruning and tying in again) and planning for next year.  There are several rose bushes scattered around the garden, I think I'd like to dig them all up and relocate them to a dedicated rose bed.  They're all very neglected and in need of serious pruning at the end of the growing season, before putting in a new bed that we'll enrich with well rotted manure.  The previous tenant was clearly a plant lover before she became too unwell to do anything to the garden for the last couple of years before we moved in.  Some of the rose bushes we didn't even know were there when we moved here, as they were hidden behind overgrown large shrubs.

The window blind guy arrived more or less on time.  Window measured, vertical blind style and colour chosen, quote given - he confirmed the blinds will only take around 10 days to custom make.  He suggested he come back to measure up again once the new kitchen wall tiles are in place - as the tiles may be a marginally different size or thickness to the ones already here, he said it would be best to return for a more accurate measurement.  That was efficient of him to think of that, it wouldn't even have occurred to me.

I'm very tired now, had a lot going on so far this week and haven't slept well for the last couple of nights, a lot on my mind.  Hopefully, I'll sleep better tonight.

Got to nip into town for a couple of things for the home tomorrow.  We won't be going to the caravan for the weekend after all, we've decided to stay home and do a few jobs.

Husband's mouth has recovered, no pain and he can eat properly.


  1. Phew! I bet you're glad all that is done and dusted. I hate it when we've got 1 appointment in a week, never mind 4! It's reassuring when someone does a thorough job, even if it takes hours, and how professional of the blind fitter to suggest coming back to double check the measurements when the new kitchen is in. I wouldn't have thought of that, either. I hope you sleep better tonight, now all those little niggles are out of the way. Glad your hubby's mouth is ok. Dentistry has come a long way since we were kids, hasn't it! xx

  2. Oh what a shame about the caravan, if I had one and lived that close to the coast I'd be off like a shot. Winter will soon be here with plenty of time to do jobs at home. We've had a rubbish summer so far but where I live the forecast is for a couple of sunny weeks. You are so lucky to live in the S/W and have your lovely van. I adore the sea air and sound of the sea.
    Poor hubby, gum stitches sound awful.

  3. It sounds like the young electrician did a very good job indeed. Nice to know that things are bang up to date and as safe as they can possibly be, isn't it? xx

  4. When we had our electrics done a few years ago in our kitchen, he then checked every location in the house, this is so they can issue a certificate showing your electrics conform and are safe.

  5. It's nice to get all these appointments and jobs ticked off successfully isn't it. Glad to hear hubby's mouth is recovering nicely.

  6. It's busy work to have some worker in your home that long...but the results are worth the time spent.

  7. I'm glad you're all sorted with the new consumer unit. It will be much safer.
    We've had them replaced at 2 houses now, and I agree, it's a long job. We're having the weekend on our own at the caravan which will be very welcome after there being 6 of us last weekend... just one missing due to work. I'm looking forward to the peace and quiet!

  8. You are so organized and getting things accomplished. I read your blog faithfully...I read few now...however, I can't respond on apple phone or IPad, so when I get out the seems to me you are so happy in your new home. I am not sure if you are in an apartment, a duplex, a townhome, a condo, or a stand alone home...whatever, it sounds fantastic. Perhaps, the need for the summer home is was good for a time...when needed...right now you are getting this new one all ready for your life. I enjoy your are quite to your husband, you seem to have ultimate I have stated before, my best went through this with hers...take care and keep inspire others.

  9. You are getting things done and dusted. I think that perhaps having someone who just qualified was an excellent ending as he wanted to make sure all was well.

    God bless.

  10. I smile when you say that you are going to the caravan for the weekend. We now have a couple of days away midweek. No crowds/kids. Utter bliss. We still call it a weekend away. ☺


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