
Friday 1 July 2022

Itching to go back

 I'm definitely feeling much better now, although the tiredness and aching joints still persist.  I'm actually sleeping pretty well, so hopefully the tiredness will wear off soon.

Going shopping for a top up first thing this morning, all this healthy eating means we're getting through tons of veg and fruit, although some of it is from our garden now.

It's still going to be showery today and tomorrow, particularly tomorrow, but better weather forecast from Sunday onwards, back to hardly any rain and getting warmer with lots of sunshine.  We'll be itching to go back to the caravan, but it depends on husband's feet - after he's had his minor op on Monday (assuming it's not cancelled at the last minute) he'll need to go back to the hospital to have his dressings changed once, and then he's supposed to do it himself (or I might have to do it) until the wounds are completely dry.  I'm not squeamish, but feet - especially his - are not my favourite parts of the anatomy!  Oh and Betty has a grooming appointment on Wednesday, for her bath and claw clipping.  We need to order and collect our meds next week, and I've had a reminder to book an appointment for my eye test, so exactly when we go to stay at the van again is a bit up in the air at the moment.

We're having smoked mackerel and salad for lunch today, and I'm doing a roasted Mediterranean veg puff pastry tart for dinner, we'll have half today with green veg and the rest cold tomorrow for lunch.  My guts are thanking me for the healthy eating, and I know I've lost a few pounds....not weighed myself but my clothes feel better.

My blogging friend Jayne, who used to have a blog The View from Bag End, now has a new blog:  Small Van - Big Adventures: Hello 😉 and welcome to a new blog, do go and have a look.  Jayne, can you put on a Followers button so the blog will show up in my Blogger reading list?

Have a nice day everyone, whatever you may be doing.


  1. Well you sound a lot perkier today, Sooze. That's good. I do hope your husband's op goes ahead. It's not nice to psyche yourself up for something like that, only to have it cancelled at the last minute. Once all your various appointments are out of the way, you'll be able to spend some lovely time at the caravan (husband's feet permitting!) without a care in the world. xx

  2. I got an eye test reminder as well but due to a shortage of optometrists, can’t have it until early September.

    1. Oh! That's not good. Must be a local thing, as I can have my appointment in a fortnight's time.

  3. Click on Jaynes blog, copy the link at the top of her page, go to your list of blogs you read, click on manage, a new page comes up, click the add button, paste the link in the box, follow the instructions, and her blog will be added to your reading list.

    1. Wow, thanks Marlene, I never knew that, I learn something new every day!

  4. Good morning, and thank you for the mention, much appreciated.

    And big thanks to Marlene for the advice she gave you - I am afraid I keep as many gadgets as possible off my blogs and have never used the one you mention.

    I use to keep up with new posts on my favourite blogs. It will show all new posts, not just the most recent one. It is free and absolutely brilliant.

  5. It's frustrating when all you want to do is get back to the caravan and life just keeps getting in the way isn't it. I used to feel that a lot when I had to go back to Wales to house-sit while Alan was away working.

    I hope everything goes smoothly and you can get there before next weekend.

  6. Good luck with all those plans and I hope everything goes nice and smoothly. xx

  7. Smoked mackerel is one of my favourite meals.. hope your hubby's op goes ahead wirh no problems and you'll soon be back in your lovely caravan, a home from home for you.


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