
Thursday 21 July 2022

Simple pleasures

 1.  My first frothy coffee of the day - I have 3 a day (the sachet instant ones) and the first one always tastes the best.

2.  Sunshine first thing in the morning.

3.  Sitting drinking my coffee, looking out over the lovely caravan park - very peaceful as it's early and hardly anyone else is up yet, husband is out with the dog so that makes it even more peaceful as the TV's not on!

4.  Being here at the park and relaxing, nothing much that needs doing.

We're popping into the nearby village this morning, husband needs a couple of things and I want to go in the charity shop and get some more books.  We're going to spend the day gardening - some of my pot plants didn't survive the excessive heat, so they need taking out, lots of dead heading to do, some general tidying up, and husband needs to cut the grass.  Actually, when I say 'spend the day gardening', it's more like a couple of hours, as it's a small garden!  And then it's just settling down to relax.

Our lovely van neighbours C & J are arriving tomorrow, so that'll be good.  The open cupboard that husband built for the microwave fits perfectly in the space, it's up on the wall and the microwave installed.  For once it all went very smoothly with no problems.  Well done him.


  1. Have a wonderfully relaxing time! xx

  2. Well done both of you! Hope you get some good reads at the charity shop. xx

  3. I feel like I live in a library with my daughters collection. I hope you find some good books. All my flowers are dead. I'll get some mum's in August.

  4. I am glad you are relaxing and I am the same with my coffee. Good luck at the charity shop and so nice your DH will handle the window installation next week.

  5. Enjoy your time at the caravan. So nice that your DH will be in charge of the windows next week, and it is great that the microwave cupboard is up and works perfectly.

    God bless.

  6. So basically all your simple pleasures can be linked in a lovely way. Sitting in the morning sunshine at the holiday park, drinking your first cup of coffee of the day ... followed by some more.


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