
Wednesday 12 October 2022

A nice morning

 We went to the caravan this morning - I'd left my hooded rain mac there last time, and husband needed the strimmer he'd left there.  There were a few people about, we had a chat with the owner and his partner and her lovely Labradoodle - poor thing is old, partly deaf and partly blind, but is very friendly and is always pleased to see me....she sniffs my hands carefully before she realises it's me and starts wagging her tail!

Planted up a couple more tubs of bulbs whilst we were there, and put a few in the bank bed at the rear of the van, did a bit of weeding and watering.  I was going to cut back all the pelargoniums in the bed at the front, but they're still all in full bloom so I left them.  I should have taken a photo but forgot, if they're still flowering next week I'll try and remember, they've given a really good show this year.  I checked the van cupboards to see what things I could bring home today, and what I need to leave for use next week - we're going on Monday, for a few days.  Betty had a sniff round the garden, before going to sleep on the sofa.  We had lunch and a coffee after doing the garden, and then came home after washing up.  It was a nice way to spend the morning.  I'm looking forward to spending the last few days there next week before we close up for the season - I don't feel quite so sad about it this year, the winter does go quite quickly.  I'll put a countdown thing on my computer again, same as last's amazing how soon March comes round again.

Yesterday I shredded and cooked a whole red cabbage, along with a couple of chopped cooking apples and a large red onion.  I did it in the Multichef in some veg stock on the slow cook programme for 4 hours, it's cooked beautifully and obviously there's loads left to freeze.  Today we're having spinach & ricotta filled pasta with pesto and cream, some of the red cabbage and long stemmed broccoli.  I might make a veggie curry tomorrow, husband can have chicken in his.


  1. Sounds lovely. I hope you have a great week next week at your summer/autumn/spring home. What an outlet. I love cabbage soup...I can't get enough of it. Need to make some again...take care...prayers...

  2. That's a nice thought to think about closing up, is just the start to next spring. I'm trying to think of all the ways to enjoy winter so it's not so unbearable.

  3. How happy your little getaway home makes you. I just noticed some nasturtiums flowering away. Made me smile on this grey, drizzly day. Let's hope March does come quickly. I hate winter! xx

  4. Time seems to have flown - I remember you looking forward to your first visit of the year, seemingly just a couple of months ago. Such a good idea about the countdown on the screen. xx

  5. Closing up time has come around really quickly hasn't it, and the site does seem to have a long, closed season if you can't get back there until March. But it's lovely that you can make use of nice days at the moment to go back for these final few visits, there are perks of living so close to it.


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