
Thursday 9 March 2023

Getting to grips with it all

 Husband and I are gradually getting our heads around everything - things like that are always a shock at first, particularly when something you just weren't expecting is thrown at you.  I've got a phone consultation booked with our GP this morning, so hopefully I'll know a bit more after that.  Husband is mostly staying very quiet and keeping his thoughts to himself  (he always internalises things), but occasionally will ask me a question which shows the situation is on his mind.

Last week, there were no bungalows at all on the housing list for that week.....this week there's one.  It's a brand new one, on a largish new build estate on the edge of a small town, with bus routes and services (shops, doctor, dentist, vet) all in walking distance in the town.  Sadly, it's not anywhere near here, it's an hour's journey away, but looks to be a really nice area and a pretty town.  The bungalow itself (they only show the plans, as it's not even completed yet) looks to be very nice indeed, with a decent sized garden, and overlooks a purpose-built village green, small woodland and community orchard, so good dog walking area.  

Unfortunately, we wouldn't stand a chance of getting it - for a start, we are currently No. 77(!!) in the queue of eligible people, and the housing association say priority will be given to people who are already resident in the local area.  But it's nice to know that there are such nice places around, and if nobody local wants it then they will consider people from further away.  We might go for a drive out there in the next few days, just to see the area for ourselves as it's not somewhere we're familiar with.  I've checked, and it's roughly the same distance from there to the caravan as it would be from here to the new bungalow, so still perfectly doable.  So it's possibly somewhere we might consider moving to, although we would prefer to stay fairly local.

We ended up with quite a lot of snow yesterday, but it's already melting away today as it's raining on and off and the temperature has risen a bit.  At least Betty had her fun in the snow it can go away please and don't come back!  All my flowering Spring bulbs are looking sorry for themselves, they've all drooped in the snow, but they'll come back.

Husband's asked for a fish finger sandwich for lunch today, and bangers, mash, peas and onion gravy for dinner.  I'll probably have something fishy with my mash and peas, but no onion gravy with it!


  1. A bombshell like that does need mulling over, even if it's a premature and hopefully not needed bombshell! I hope you get some clarification from the GP.
    That bungalow sounds nice. Would it be worth putting a bid in for it, on the, albeit small, chance no-one else wants it?
    It's been snowing here today, but the ground is too wet for it to stick. I'm hoping this is the end of the cold weather now. I want some warm, sunny days! xx

    1. To be honest, I'm not really ready to move just yet, the mindset isn't there and I'd rather have a good big lump of savings for the move. I'm well on the way with the savings, but could do with a few more months worth yet. xx

    2. Quite understand. There'll be just the right place when you're ready, I'm sure of it. xx

  2. I hope that the GP sets your minds at rest by giving you even more information.
    Lots of snow headed our way starting tomorrow.... Not looking forward to having to dig out once again.

    God bless.

    1. You have a vast amount more snow than us Jackie, I don't envy you one bit!

  3. Taking time to think things over is usually the best way to do it, and for once it appears that your husband is doing exactly the right thing. Just mulling it over and not panicking. Have you though of widening the area of the places that you would consider living in? Drawing a circle on the map of a good travelling time to the caravan and places you know and then having a drive out there to look around, or do you already know your surrounding areas well?

    1. We do know most of the surrounding areas quite well Sue, but have already thought of possibly looking at areas further afield. Somerset is a big county! Ideally, we would prefer to stay fairly local, because of the friends we have here as well as our lovely doctors. But we would certainly consider other areas.


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