
Sunday 5 March 2023

Slow Sunday

 Not a lot happening here at the moment, so not much to say!  

We were going to go to the caravan again one day this coming week, but are now having second thoughts....The weather forecast is for it to be very cold this coming week, no snow for us (probably), but possibly some sleety rain on Tuesday, and the chance of a few showers during the week.  Looks like it may be warming up a bit at the end of the week.  If it's going to be really cold and possibly showery, then it's unlikely that there'll be many more van owners coming.  Our lovely neighbours aren't coming until it gets a fair bit warmer, the neighbours on the other side of them don't come until May each year.  Even the other owners who arrived last week the same day as us, and who were intending initially to stay for a fortnight, said they might actually go home if it's going to be very cold.  Nice as it is there, seems little point in going there just to put the heating on and sit watching TV, which is pretty much all we'd do if it's too cold to sit outside and there's nobody else around to talk to.  So we might wait until next week.

I've got 5 stone pots at the front of the van, 2 have ferns in, 2 hebes and the large middle one a big lavender.  The ferns and hebes have died, the lavender I think may come back to life, despite it looking quite sorry for itself right now.  I think the excessively hot weather did for the ferns and hebes last year, and not enough watering (when we weren't there to water).  So I'm wondering what to put in the pots this year.  I'll have to do a bit of research, but in the meantime, any suggestions for plants (I'd like flowering ones but they don't have to be) which will tolerate both heat and inconsistent watering?  I know for a start it would be best to mix plenty of water retaining crystals in with the soil.

There were no bungalows at all on the housing list last week - plenty of 2 bed houses and flats, but we don't want those.  It's fine though, we really aren't looking to move anytime soon, we'd like to continue saving and get a good big balance in our house moving account first, moving house is an expensive business.  By this time next year, I think we'll be ready to find somewhere to move to.  I do still look at the housing list every week though, it's interesting to see what's available and in what areas.

Husband's having roast chicken today, a whole one that'll do him for several meals.  I'll be having the usual mix of roast and green veg, with some (packet) sage & onion stuffing and gravy.  I'm putting the oven on today, for the first time in the 3 weeks since I've had the AF.  I've got a 1kg bag of new potatoes which are just starting to sprout, so I want to cook the whole lot....I'll slice them along with onions and some little bits of smoked bacon (for the flavour) and layer them with runny cheese sauce (the potatoes will soak the sauce up better when it's runny) and bake until soft underneath, crispy on the top.  Some long slim young carrots will also be roasted, drizzled with honey and ginger.  And the stuffing to go in the oven as well, of course.  Shredded sweetheart cabbage and peas for the green stuff on the hob.  There'll be plenty of leftovers of everything to freeze.

I enjoyed my cottage cheese salad last night, along with the chopped lettuce, cucumber and tomato I mixed in some sliced radishes, grated carrot, sweetcorn and a segmented and chopped large orange, dressed with a balsamic, lemon and olive oil dressing.  Scrumptious.  Husband enjoyed his bbq pork ribs with his salad.

For not having much to say, I said quite a lot 😂

Have a good day all.


  1. < grin > I can do that too - say 'nothing' using quite a lot of words. I agree that the van wouldn't be great if it's cold and no-one else is there. The warmer weather is only just round the corner though . . .

  2. Oh, I do hope the warm weather comes soon. Let's hope this predicted cold spell is the last of it! It's good that you keep checking the bungalow situation. The right one may pop up anytime.
    Hope you have a good day, too. xx

  3. i read your blog but havent commented, i must say its good that you are sounding so much happier now
    what i wanted to say was you were speaking about crystals to put in the pots to keep in the water, i am sure i read somewhere to use a babys disposable nappy, i think it was for hanging baskets but might work in a pot too? a new nappy of course 😁

  4. I do hope you get to go to your happy place again very soon. The weather just does not want to cooperate.

    God bless.


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